Chapter 26: Trappola di Erasto!!

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(Mature Language 18+ ;  Chapter Title means 'Trap of Erasto!!')

Xander and Sierra were on their way back to 'their' mansion. It was 10 in the morning and after a great deal of trials from her end, her 100 % horny husband finally gave in that they should return back.

Now they were in the back seat of their car accompanied by two bodyguards. He was sitting behind the passenger's seat while she was sitting right behind the driver's side. With his right hand curled behind her neck and resting on her right shoulder, he pulled out his phone from his pant pocket with his left hand. His hand started playing with her curls in a lazy manner while scrolling through the notifications on his phone. She kept looking out of the window thinking about how lucky she was and secretly kept praying the god to never let this happiness fade away from their lives.

Her revere was broken when she heard him talking on his phone. A few creases started taking room on his forehead hearing the conversation from the other end. He kept throwing in a few curses and sometimes would drop in spine chilling warnings to the people on the other side of the phone. She looked at him with wide eyes on hearing all those colourful words and statements from his mouth.

Hearing his 'talks', she knew someone was going to lose their head the instant he stepped out of that car. With the classic temper her husband has, it will be not be a surprise if she witnesses something like that in future too. As if sensing what was going on beside him, he turned his head in her direction while still 'talking' on phone.

He shook his head a little indicating that nothing was wrong and flashed a heart warming smile at her. He gently rubbed her right arm and pulled her body towards him and dropped a kiss on her forehead all the while still busy on phone. As if on cue, he mouthed 'I Love You Sweetheart' while listening to the other end. Well, her hot husband was indeed an angel and a devil wrapped in one!! While she kept thinking about his different shades, he kept dropping a few tender kisses on her head while continuing his 'talks'. She smiled at his loving gestures and laid her head on his arm because she was so short that even while seated, she won't reach his shoulder!!

* * *

On reaching their mansion Xander had to immediately tend to his study for discussing some urgent matters but not before making Sierra comfortable in their room. After kissing her a zillion times and apologising to her a million times about this unavoidable urgent matter, he left her to settle in. But looks like Sierra was not destined any rest today. The moment Xander stepped out of their room; Sierra was taken aback when the door was shut in an instant.


"What?" Sierra asked in a confused tone while still looking at the super inquisitive and an excited Rosaline who was grinning at her ear to ear.

"Oh come on Sierra, you know what I am talking about." Rosaline said making her way towards the sofa where Sierra was sitting.

"I don't know!" Sierra replied back in a small tone while shrugging her shoulders. She believed that, at such occasions; 'I don't know' was an extremely safe answer. But who was she kidding again?

"You very well know what I am talking about! Now spill what happened between you and Xander..." Rosaline said but was interrupted by Sierra's huge gasp.

"God Rose! You are so..." Sierra pointed out but Rosaline completed it for her.

"Yes, I have no filter in my mouth. I know that! Now, stop avoiding my question and tell me everything bestie!" Rosaline said while clapping her hands in the air. Wow, looks like she was more excited to thinking about Sierra's wedding night than Sierra herself.

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