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"um, i have a big favor to ask you." she bit her lip nervously which made seonghwa very curious.


the girl sighed."can you not tell anyone about me drinking at your bar? i mean, not at your bar but you're there. wait, i mean, that i was drinking and you're the-"

the boy could see the stress in her face to which he just chuckled. "i get it."

jihae took some time to calm herself and face seonghwa.

"will you please keep it a secret?" she pleaded.

"if i had any plans of telling anyone, i would have done it a bit sooner. don't you think?" he smiled and so did jihae.

"thank you."

"no problem. now would you like anything to drink?" he asked, this time doing his job.

"oh, um." the girl found it awkward to drink now since seonghwa was here. "i think i'll just go. i don't wanna bother you working."

seonghwa stopped what he was doing and looked at her. "i really don't mind. basically, i'm just here to stand until ten forty-five." he was basically trying to get jihae to stay.

"oh. then, what about the customers?" she asked before realizing that she was the only one there besides seonghwa and some staff. "oh."

"exactly." the boy laughed. "so how 'bout keeping me company?"

jihae finally felt at ease, knowing she could trust the bartender and smiled. "of course." she did love hanging out with him yesterday.

"so, when is wooyoung coming back?" seonghwa asked while wiping the counter.

"i think on tuesday? yeah." the girl recalled. "why, you interested in him?"

the boy almost choked on air after the words left the girl's mouth. "no." he let out a sigh. "but san is. i'm also straight, by the way."

"that's what they all say before liking wooyoung." jihae jokes.

"i really-" he simply sighed, not bothering to fight back.

the girl simply let out a laugh as seonghwa sat beside her. "kidding. you're so fun to tease."

"glad you're having fun." he sarcastically smiled.

"by the way, are you sure san is okay with you blurting out his crush on wooyoung. i don't think he'll like the fact that i know." she asked with concern.

"nah," the boy just shrugged it off. "even the dumbest of the dumbest will know. i think, by now, wooyoung himself does, too."

"really? interesting. i wonder why woo isn't avoiding him if he does."

"huh? don't tell me he avoids people who likes him." seonghwa paused for a bit to think. "wait, he avoids guys who like him, doesn't he?"

the girl nodded hesitantly, hoping the bartender won't get the wrong idea.

it's obvious that wooyoung's having a hard time about his sexuality and nobody really wants to force him to make up his mind already. they're just to support him whatever his decision is, as long as he's not hurting others.

Bartender || Ateez P.SH ✓Where stories live. Discover now