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jihae hasn't been the happiest person over the weekend, for obvious reasons.

this definitely did not go unnoticed by her family and has asked her a couple times about it, but she always comes up with a smart excuse which makes them not question her any further.

monday has arrived which meant she had to go to school and do her best not to bump into seonghwa.

although, she knows it's going to be hard. seeing that his best friends are now also her peers, and the last thing she wants to do now is push them away as well.

first thing she heard when arriving in school was mingi calling(screaming at) her.

"jihae! jihae! jihae~" the strawberry haired yelled in a sing-song manner.

"hey, mingi." the girl awkwardly greets which made mingi tilt his head in confusion.

"are you okay?" he asked, this time with a more serious look.

jihae gave the same answer she's been giving everyone. "yeah."

"hah, you're definitely not." mingi touched his chin as if thinking of something.

"mingi, i'm-"

cutting her off, the boy lets out a small gasp and snapped his fingers. "we're eating lunch together today."

"i think i'll just-"

"that wasn't a question, dear." mingi smiled mischievously.

the girl inwardly panics, not wanting to see the junior but also not wanting to seem rude. she quickly makes up an excuse in her head. "but the rest might not-"

"ah, so it is about seonghwa hyung." the boy's grin became wider as he confirmed his theory.

"i never said that." jihae pursed her lips.

"psychology is fun. i should switch classes." mingi giggled.

the girl looks at him in amazement. "you're learning psychology?"

the dance major shrugged boastfully. "just binged watched on youtube, so just the basics."

"you're a genius." jihae complimented sincerely, truly in awe.

"so, will you accept the invite for lunch of this so called genius?" mingi suggestively wiggled his eyebrows.

the psychology major's face turned to a frown.

"it'll just be the two of us. you can invite wooyoung, if you've talked to him about hyung." the redhead reassured her.

"i haven't, actually." she smiled gratefully at the boy walking her to class. "can i really talk to you about it?"

"of course!" mingi ruffles her hair. "you've been hearing me out a lot. i'd do the same to you any day."

"what if you rat out on me?" jihae mindlessly stated which resulted an offended look on mingi's face. "i mean, you are best friends."

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