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wooyoung turned to it as he heard it, getting alarmed. he glared at the person. "hands off, jaehyun."

the mentioned boy scoffed as he rolled his eyes. "what are you gonna do, fag?"

san unconsciously balled his fist, and stared at him with a resting bitch face.

"just go, will you?" jihae stood up and pleaded but still had annoyance in her eyes.

the others were in a trance. they really didn't know what to do since the people that had just arrived had a title as well. the group consists of four boys namely jeong jaehyun, bang christopher chan, xu minghao, and koo junhoe. they were almost as popular as jungkook's circle, and that's because jaehyun and chan were previously a part of them.

that was until chan decided to harass soyeon. he almost did. luckily, jungkook, eunwoo, and yugyeom came just in time.

jaehyun's was a different case. him and jihae had a fling going on. she was a clueless freshman, and he was really sweet at first. of course she'd like him. he was showing signs he was interested in her as well.

one day, she saw jaehyun making out with some girl in the halls. she was hurt, but figured she didn't have the right to be since they weren't really together.

she decided to go on a date dahyun had set up for her, hearing what happened. jaehyun heard about it and was against it at all cost. he almost threw a tantrum.

jihae did end up going on the date. she had fun. the next day was completely different, though. news around the school spread fast saying that jaehyun beat up the guy. she never knew he was capable of hurting someone which led her to be scared of him. she kept her relationships to herself or just makes sure it doesn't spread. up until now, he still bothers her.

those were events that made their brother swear to not let any guy touch his princesses. it took everything in him not to beat the living shit out of the two, which he could have done easily if his sisters didn't stop him after he threw a couple punches.

ever since, everyone in their circle disowned them and that led them to forming their own. they were still popular since no one could deny they were hella hot, talented and smart, too.

"awe, so soon?" jaehyun mockingly asked. "chan here, was looking for soyeon." he gestured to the blonde beside him who was smirking.

it disgusted the girl so much. not just her, everyone at the table. they knew the part where they were disowned, and the part where jaehyun fought someone, but they didn't know why.

"she transferred schools because your perverted ass." she sassed back.

"but i just saw her last week." the smirk on chan's face got wider. "those skinny jeans she wore really showed me a lot."

the psychology major's eye twitched. she knew they were doing this on purpose. she didn't know what the point was. maybe it was revenge for rejecting or leaving them out, but she didn't care.

"you're gross." hongjoong suddenly spoke up which made everyone look at him."you and him." he tilted his head towards jaehyun.

jaehyun snorted. "new company, ji? you downgraded, i see."

"i was once friends with you. that was the lowest i could go." she spatted out. she was absolutely furious at the moment, trying so hard not to slap them both. the other two were bearable since they don't annoy her so much. they just tag along these assholes.

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