Chapter 4

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Jace's POV

While I was walking back to the house I lived in, a car pulled up next to me. "Hey weakling, what you doing out this early? Trying to lose all the fat you have under that jumper?" I recognised the voice as the guys from school. I closed my eyes for a moment but kept on walking. "Come on guys," they all got out of the car and started hitting me. All I did was take it. I knew for a fact that I hit them I would break their noses and I would be killed by my boss. He wasn't afraid to put a bullet between someone's eyes. There was no telling how long we were there. They had punched and kicked me in my stomach making me groan in pain. "Come on, that'll teach him to stay away from my girl," I heard Blake. If he can do this to me then what would he do to Cora? Once they left, I got up and limped my way back to my bosses house where he let me stay. When I got through the front door I was greeted by my fellow gang members. "The fuck happened to you?" He had amusement in his eyes. "Nice to see you to Damon," I laughed. "But seriously. What happened?" He asked. "I got beat up. Guy at school obviously saw me with his girlfriend and beat the shit out of me," I replied. "Then why the fuck didn't you fight back?" Damon questioned me. "Because I know for a fact I would have broken bones and Emilio would have put a bullet through my head," I smiled sarcastically. "You know, you remind me of Emilio from when he was younger," Damon laughed. "What have we told you about fighting back jace? Stand up for yourself," Damon's wife Luna came out. "I know, I just need to stick it out until the end of the year and then I'll be fine," I sighed. "Jace black get your ass to my office now," I heard Emilio shout. "Your in deep shit now," Damon laughed harder. "Thanks for the reassurance," I shook my head. I walked up the stairs to his office and went in. "What can I do for you?" I asked. "What in the fuck happened to you? Why are you limping and shit?" Emilio raised one eyebrow. "I got beat up because one of the guys at school saw me with his girlfriend," I told him. "Well I need you to do a deal for me today. Go get cleaned up and sleep, you won't be going to school for the rest of the week," Emilio turned back to his computer. "Who am I going with?" I looked at him. "Uh, Damon, Hugo, Anthony and Milo," he replied. "Ok," I said then left. "Jace," I heard Emilio call me back. I went back into the office. "Yes boss," I sighed. "Next time stand up for yourself, don't let others bully you. I'm sick and tired of you coming home with a busted lip and more," Emilio nodded at me. "Also, don't be afraid of me putting a bullet in your head. Willow will kill me, and your one of my best men," he gave me a small smile. "Thanks boss," I nodded back and left. On my way to my room I bumped into rose. "Turn around jace, straight to the kitchen," she ordered. I turned around and went into the kitchen. Rose got a bowl of hot water and a cloth and started cleaning away the blood on my face. "Taking a beating for some girl," rose shook her head. "I can't help but think if he can do this to me, what will he do to her?" I sighed. "You remind me of Emilio in some ways," she laughed. "That's what Damon said," I chuckled. "What happened. And why are you only coming in at 6am?" Rose asked. "I was talking to a girl from school. I lost track of time and we both went our separate ways. On my way back to the gang house I got jumped by the girls boyfriend and his goons," I explained. "Why do you let them push you around?" She wiped my face. "Because he doesn't want to hurt others. Babe he's strong, just as strong as Emilio was at his age. Jace doesn't want to hurt anyone," Salvatore walked in. "Is that true?" Rose turned back to me. "Yeah. If I get kicked out of school I can't do what I want to do with my future. I like it here but it's not my forever," I told them. "We get that hun but is it worth you getting beat up then going to do deals for Emilio and showing the other gangs that your weak?" Rose gave me a sympathy look. "How long are you thinking of staying? I mean you almost have the money to do the things you want," Salvatore got my attention. "Until the end of the year. Then I'll be leaving. I do like it here. You guys have given me shelter and food but I can't live my whole life in this gang," I looked down. "The gang life isn't for everyone mate. Me and rose were just thinking, if you leave, then there would be others out for you. People have seen that you are apart of this gang so they would make you a target to get information. We don't want you getting hurt," Salvatore sighed. "I know what I signed up for. I just didn't realise I would grow attached," I breathed out. "What are you attached to?" Rose asked me while she finished cleaning my face. "This. The house, the people that live here. I kept it a secret for two years and then my mum and dad found out and I got kicked out. You gave me a home and family figures. I didn't know I would get attached to it all," I admitted. "You have a choice jace, you always have. Get the money you need to have the life you want or live with us and carry on with the gang stuff," rose smiled. "I know. I have to go for a deal later, I'm gonna go get some rest," I returned the smile and left. I got to my room and layed down. What has my life come to.

Cora's POV

I was woken up by the front door being banged on. It was still early so I didn't know who would be there. "Blake? What are you doing here?" I opened the door. "What were you doing with the freak of the school?" He came inside. "I don't know what you mean," I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why was you at the diner with him for hours?" Blake raised his voice. "Because he was being a friend which I needed. Why are you so fucking jealous all the time? I can have other friends that don't include you and your shitty group of people that don't even acknowledge me. And when they do it's only so they can get me in their bed," I started shouting. "Not when your my girlfriend. I don't want you near him again. Am I clear?" Blake pointed his finger at me. "I am not a puppet you can push around. You mates don't care about me, they don't care about my well being but jace does. And if you can't accept me being friends with another guy then this won't work," i could feel tears prick up in my eyes. "You don't mean that," Blake shook his head. "I don't want to. But I want to have my own friends, not people who don't give to shits about me but they are there because I'm your girlfriend," I stated. "Ok, I'm sorry. I love you, I just don't want to lose you," Blake pulled me in to a hug. "I just want to be able to talk to someone who I can be myself around," I cried. "You have me. I've got to go to football training. I'll see you later," Blake pulled back and kissed me. When he left I shut the door and went back to my room. I flopped face first on to my bed and closed my eyes. Sleep was the only thing that sounded appealing to me.

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