Chapter 11

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Cora's POV

Jace carried up to his room, he closed the door and pushed me against it. As he locked the door my mind kept on going back to Callum. "Jace stop," I pushed on his shoulders. He quickly put my legs down and backed away from me. Tears started spilling out as he looked at me. "I'm so sorry cora," Jace took another step back. "I-I," I sobbed. "It's what Callum did isn't it?" Jace tried to keep his voice calm but I could hear the anger trying to surface. I nodded not being able to form the words. Jace's eyes immediately soften up as he hugs me. I sob into his chest as the thought comes back. The image of Callum kissing me and touching my body while my supposed boyfriend let it happen. I'm so glad I broke up with him. "It's ok, I'm here. I won't let anyone hurt you," Jace's kissed the top of my head. I melted in his arms, the only sound that filled the room was the hiccups that escaped my mouth. "We don't have to do anything," Jace broke the silence. "Sorry," was all I managed to get out. "What are you sorry about? Huh? Don't be sorry baby, I'll make sure he can't hurt you again," Jace hugged me tighter. "Jace," I looked at him. "Cora," his eyes showed nothing but love and softness. "Can you tell me what you do?" I asked. "Like what?" He furrowed his eyebrows. "What sort of things does Emilio make you do?" I sighed. "Emilio is only my boss. If I don't want to do something then I won't do it," he chuckled. "I got arrested because i have sold drugs and guns to people around the city. I sometimes go on runs to get money from people that owe Emilio," he told me. "Jace, have you-," I started but was cut off by him. "Cora for a 16 year old I have done a lot of bad in the last two years. I joined at 14 and went on my first run with Emilio and Damon. Before we left Emilio gave me a gun that I still have but don't use. While we were there Emilio wanted me to grow up and he had me shoot a man. So the answer to your question is yes, I have killed people," Jace explained. "Jace," I could feel more tears form in my eyes. "I understand if you don't want to be my friend anymore," he sighed. But there was a look in his eyes that was silently pleading me to not leave him. There was a small part of my that wanted to run for the hills screaming bloody murder but the other large part made me want to stay and see him. The thought of jace with a gun kind of excited me. I took a deep breath and kissed him. "I'm not going anywhere," I told him. Jace slowly moved me so I walked. I felt the edge of the bed on my legs making me go back on the bed. He held my back as he lowered me slowly. The kiss went from slow to hard in a second. Jace left my lips and kissed my jaw down to my neck. My breathing got heavier as Jace kept on going lower down my body. I felt Jace lift me up as he took off my top and threw it on the floor. There was something telling me to stop but then again I didn't want him to. "Jace," I breathed out. "Cora," he looked at me. "Don't stop," I got out. Jace then kissed me taking off my jeans leaving me in my underwear. I pulled off his shirt and let my hands travel down his body. Jace bit my lip making me moan in the process. We looked at each other for a month before I kissed him again. My hands went to his belt taking it off and throwing it on the floor with a loud thud. Me and jace laughed as we heard the others downstairs all ask what the noise was. As I went to take off Jace's jeans he stopped me. "Hang on," he grabbed my hand. Jace let go and put his hand to his back. "What are you doing?" I laughed a little. "This," he pulled out his gun and put it on his bedside table. "The safety is on, we'll be ok," Jace reassured me. I nodded and looked back at him. Just then there was a knock at the door. "Who is it?" Jace called out. "Come play with me and Corey Jace," I heard Rebekah. "I'm busy beks. Go get Elijah or one of the other boys," Jace told her. "I really wanted you to come play with us," Rebekah sounded sad. "This is a total cock block," Jace whispered and sighed. "Hang on," he called out. I heard Rebekah and Corey hey excited. "I'm going to sleep for a bit," I told him. "Ok," he smiled. Jace got off me and waited for me to get under the covers before he opened the door. When I did he kicked our clothes so they were out of view when he opened the door. "Come on then," Jace laughed and picked Rebekah and Corey up. They both giggled as they were in the air. I watched as he walked down the hall with the two kids laughing. Damn that made me want to have a baby with him.

Salvatore's POV

Jace and cora walked away leaving us all wondering what they were doing. It was quite obvious but from what happened to cora at school made me think otherwise. "I can't believe I'm in a house with my daughter who's about to have sex," Cora's dad Chris breathed out. "Considering what happened at school, I'm surprised she went through with it," Lexi shrugged. "As long as Jace is happy. He's family," rose smiled. "What you smiling about?" I laughed a little. "It's like our little boy has grown up," Rose started to tear up. "Come here baby," rose got up and I hugged her. "Now that Cole has got a girlfriend and is serious with her, Jace came along and I see him as our son. And now he's got a girlfriend to," rose cried. "Are they a couple?" Chris asked. "After today they will be," Damon wiggled his eyebrows. Emilio, Luna, willow, nick, Connie and the others started laughing at Damon's response. After a while of talking amongst ourselves we heard a loud bang come from Jace's room. "And the belts off," Emilio and Damon said at the same time. "How the hell do you know that?" Rose laughed. "Willow always takes my belt off and throws it," Emilio shrugged. "Luna does the same to me," Damon smirked at Luna. "We don't want to know about your sex life dad," Elijah commented. "Then let's hear yours," Damon looked at him. "I don't have a sex life dad. Because I'm still a virgin," Elijah whispered yelled. "So why did jace say you lost it?" Luna asked. "Because jace is an arrogant ass and is always trying to get me in trouble," Elijah said. "That's was not expected," violet burst out laughing. Just then I noticed Corey and Rebekah gone. "Where's Corey and beks?" I looked around the room. After a couple minutes jace came down carrying beks and Corey while they laughed. "Where did you two run off to?" Willow laughed a little. "We wanted jace to play in the back garden," Rebekah replied. "I did tell them I was busy but they insisted," Jace told us. "Come on you two. Jace was busy, let him go back," Luna got up and took Corey while willow got Rebekah.

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