Chapter 20

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Six months later
Cora's POV

Since me and my dad left, it had been seven months. I found out I would be having one boy and one girl. It had been hard for me, staying in the house a lot. My dad helped me a lot, comforting me when I cried. It was still a fresh wound from what jace had said.

"Hey honey, what you thinking about?" My dad snapped me out of my head. "The twins, Jace," I sighed. "We can go back if you want. Just tell me when and we can go," he smiled at me. "I know. I'm 8 months pregnant so I think I'll wait until they're here. It's just that, I grew up without a parent and I don't want my kids to," I let a few tears fall. "We still have one and a half months until the due date, we can still go back," my dad hugged me. "No. I'm going to have them here. I can wait," I sighed. "If that's what you want nena," he let go of me.

At mid day, I wanted to play a game so I headed down into the basement. "Where are you going?" My dad stopped me. "To get a game. I'm bored," I told him. "Let me go get it. I'm sure you don't want to go down all the steps," he said sounding a bit suspicious. "It's fine dad. I'll go," I smiled at him and went down. Was he hiding something down there from me.

Jace's POV

Seven months. I hadn't seen cora in seven months. Well that's not totally true. I had been staying in the basement that Chris had taken cora to. Every couple of weeks I would go between the gang house and Cora's house. It was around midday when I heard the basement door open. "Where are you going?" I heard Chris. "To get a game. I'm bored," I heard cora reply. Hearing her voice brought me comfort and made me smile. "Let me go get it. I'm sure you don't want to go down all the steps," Chris sounded a little worried that cora might see me. "It's fine dad, I'll go," she replied. I heard footsteps coming so grabbed a wooden plank and pulled myself up. It wasn't that difficult to hide in a place if you had the strength, so I hid between the wooden planks on the ceiling in the dark. I saw cora come down looking gorgeous as ever. Chris told me that both my kids are very healthy and we were having a boy and girl. Only if I hadn't been such a dick about things, it might be different. I mean, I almost killed my bosses nephew.
As Cora looked at which game she wanted, with my luck, my phone started ringing. "Shit," I muttered. I quickly got it and answered. "Hello," I whispered. "We need you back at the gang house. Beks misses you and won't stop crying until you get here," Emilio sighed. "Hello?" I heard cora. "I'll be there in a couple hours. Let the police know so I won't get pulled over," I whispered. "Is someone in here?" Cora called out. "Gotta go," I quickly said and hung up. 'Get cora out. I need to leave and she heard my phone ring,' I texted Chris. "Cora, let's go out for lunch," I heard Chris. I sighed in relief as Cora went back up the stairs. Once I heard the door shut, I jumped down and headed to my car. 'I'm off to the gang house for a couple days. Let me know if anything happens with cora,' I sent to Chris. 'No problem. Wait for us to leave first so it's not suspicious,' he replied. 'I'll be waiting in my car for you to go,' I told him. 'See you in a couple days,' Chris said. I locked my phone and got in my car. After a while, I saw Chris and cora pull out. Once they drove off I headed out. "I'm on my way. Give the phone to beks," I called Emilio. I heard shuffling. "I'm coming home beks. I need you to do me something," I told her. "What's that?" She asked. "Wipe your eyes, and be a good girl. You'll see me soon ok," I replied. "Ok," Rebekah sniffled. "Good girl. I'll see you in a couple hours ok. Pass the phone back to your dad," I sighed. "Bye Jace," she said then I heard Emilio. "What's up?" He said. "Cora's getting close to the due date. I won't be able to spend a lot of time at the gang house. This might be the last time I come home for a while," I stated. "I know mate. Everyone misses you, especially beks. Usually she goes to you when she's upset, but with you gone, it's getting harder," Emilio told me. "I've been with her a lot in the last two years. It would be hard for someone close to her to leave. I know what beks is going through. I'll come home for a couple days then I'll have to go back until the baby's are born," I rubbed my face for a second. "Ok. Well I'll let you get back to driving. I have told the police that your driving and keep away from a speeding Audi," he replied. "Ok, thanks," I thanked him then hung up. I got back to the gang house in two hours, usually it would take 5.

As I walked into the living room, Rebekah jumped at me. "Hello beks," I caught her. "Don't leave again," she cried. "I have to nena. I need to look after Cora and the baby's," I told her while I rubbed her back. "Bring her back. I miss her to," she sobbed into my neck. I felt her tears on my skin as she hugged me. Willow watched us as she cried as well. "I miss her to but I was a di-, I was a bad boy and hurt her. I do wish I hadn't but I needed to keep them all safe," I sat down next to rose and hunter. "I want cora to come back," Rebekah held on to me tighter. "We all do tesoro. Cora is taking some time away so she can get things figured out," Emilio told her. "Cora is going to have her baby's really soon. Can you wait a month?" I asked. "I can try," Rebekah sniffled. "That's my girl. Come on, get some sleep," I told her. With that, I took Rebekah up to her room and layed her down.

"How is cora?" Rose asked as I walked back into the living room. "She's good. I almost got caught because I was a idiot and didn't put my phone on silent. It was so close," I sighed. "When do you go back?" Amber asked. "I'm gonna stay for a week. I'll go back on Wednesday," I told her. "Is that a good idea? I mean with the due date close, she could go into labour at any time," Connie stated. "Yeah, Chris said he would tell me if there are any changes," I replied. "We all understand if you want to go back earlier Jace," Salvatore gave me a small smile. "Thanks guys," I smiled back. At around 6pm, I got a phone call. "Hello," I answered. "Hey jace. I have an update," Chris said. "Go ahead," I sighed. "We went to the hospital today. Cora is starting to get braxton hicks," he told me. "What are they?" I asked. "It's kind of like practice contractions. The midwife told us that the twins could come anywhere between now and the due date," Chris sighed. "Ok, I'll be back on Wednesday so I'm close," I rubbed my eyes. "That's fine, see you then," Chris said. "Bye," I hung up. "Who was that?" Elijah asked. "Chris. Cora went to see her midwife and she's started getting braxton hicks. They twins could come any time from now to the due date," I put my face in my hands. "Do you want me and Salvatore to set up your room so you have baby things in there in case you bring Cora back here?" Rose sat next to me and rubbed my back. "No it's ok. I'll do it. I need to get my mind of things," I stood up and went to my room. I had moved out of my old room into the one that me and cora shared as it reminded me of her. In the room, was boxes of baby things, a chest of drawers for the baby clothes, two Moses baskets as they would be small, I got a rocking chair so cora could sit on it while she held the twins. I built the chest of drawers, with the help of Salvatore. "Are you excited?" Salvatore broke the silence. "Yeah I guess. I just never thought I would be a dad at 16," I laughed a little. "No one ever does. Same with the women, they don't ever expect a baby unless they are trying," he chuckled. "I hope she comes back," I sighed. Just then, my phone started ringing. "Who's that?" Salvatore asked. "I don't know," I replied. "Jace Black," I answered. "Jace," I heard cora. "Cora," I whispered. "I Uh, I wanted to call you to say that the twins could come at anytime. We are having a boy and a girl," I could tell she was crying by the way she was talking. "That's amazing," I looked anywhere other than Salvatore. I could feel tears of my own start forming. "I'm really scared jace, I don't know what to do," cora sobbed. "I know you are. Cora?" I said. "Yeah," she answered. "I'm so sorry for what I said to you. I want to keep you and the kids safe but with me around that wouldn't have worked. I understand that sorry isn't good enough but I need you to know that I love you so much and nothing will change that," I told her. I felt Salvatore looking at me as I cried on the phone. "I love you to jace. But you hurt me. It still hurts when I think of you, when my mind goes back to that day," Cora cried. "It kills me every day that I did that to you. I want to take it back but I can't," I wiped my eyes. "I'm going to go. I to pack a hospital bag for me and the twins," Cora sighed. "Ok, I love you," I hoped she would say it back. There was a small pause. "I love you to jace," Cora replied then hung up. I heard shuffling at the door so I looked up. I saw, rose, Damon, Luna, Emilio, willow, Emilio, Nick, Connie, Henry and Lexi were all looking at me. Salvatore was still sat across from me. "I guess you on speaking terms again," Henry has a huge smile on his face as well as, Lexi, hunter, willow and Emilio. "Uh, I don't know," I replied. "What did she say?" Rose asked. "That we are having a girl and a boy. And that they could come anytime soon," I told her. "I'm still going to stay for a week though," I added. "We'll be here to support you with what ever you decide," Luna smiled at me. "Thanks guys," I wiped my eyes and smiled back. Once I stopped crying, me and Salvatore got back to building. At 7pm, we ate dinner then we carried on. Around 10pm, we got everything made and placed. It was amazing, just the thought of my son and daughter laying in the Moses baskets made my heart grow twice it's usual size. Even though I was scared to become a dad, I was definitely going to be there for cora and the twins.

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