Chapter 17

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Cora's POV

Rose had set me up a doctors appointment with her midwife that delivered all her kids. Jace and I were very grateful for everyone's help they had given us. It had been a week since I found out I was pregnant and I was on my way to get my first scan.

"Are you ready?" Jace squeezed my hand as we walked into the doctors. "I'm nervous but yeah, I'm ready," I smiled at him. "I'm here for you baby," Jace hugged me. After a moment I signed in and waited for the midwife to call me. We waited for 20 until a woman came out. "Cora James," she called my name. Jace and I stood up and followed her into a room. "Father I assume," she pointed at jace. "Uh yeah," he replied. "Ok. I'm Lilly, i gather you know rose," Lilly looked between me and jace. "I work for Emilio. Cora is my girlfriend," Jace explained. "That one. I remember when I delivered him. Emilio Di'Angelo," Lilly sighed. "Anyway. Cora if you could lay on the bed and jace you can sit on the chair next to her," she added. I layed down on the bed while Jace took a seat and held my hand. Lilly lifted up my top and put this cold gel on my belly, then she got a want type thing and moved it across my lower stomach. "Ok, there's the foetus," Lilly broke the silence. "That's odd," she muttered. "What? Is everything ok?" I asked. Jace gave my hand a reassuring squeeze calming me down. "Everything is fine cora. Congratulations, your having twins. It's very unusual for a girl your age but not impossible. But your having twins. Your 1 month and 3 days along. I will get you pictures," Lilly smiled at me then left the room. She gave me a wipe to clean myself off. Once I was done, I looked over at jace who looked completely shocked. "Twins," he breathed out. "Twins," I repeated. After a couple minutes, Lilly came back in with the scan pictures. She made it so it was obvious that me and jace expected twins. "You have another appointment in two months, that way you can hear the heartbeat and possibly find out the genders," Lilly told me. "Thanks a lot Lilly," I smiled at her. "No problem. Keep up with what your doing and take it easy," she hugged me. We all said our goodbyes and we left.

The car ride was short so we sat in silence. "That was a lot to take in," I breathed out. "Twins," was all jace said. "Say something jace," I looked at him. We pulled up to the house and got out. As Jace didn't answer me, I got out of the car and headed inside. Before I reached the door, I felt someone pick me up and spin me around. "You have no idea how happy you have made me," Jace smiled. "I'm happy as well," I looked up at him as he placed me back on the floor. "Let's go tell everyone," Jace took my hand in his and we walked inside.

Everyone was in the living room waiting, including my dad. "How did it go," my dad asked. "How about we show you," I smiled. I took out the four pictures and handed them around the room. Luna and Damon had one, rose and Salvatore had one, the guys and girls had one to look at while my dad had his own one. Rose and Luna had tears in their eyes as Damon and Salvatore had huge smiles on their faces. "When's your next appointment?" Rose asked. "In two months," I replied. "Have you not seen it closely?" My dad looked at everyone. "No," they shook their heads. "Congratulations guys. But I'm still a little disappointed," my dad sighed and handed the picture back. "Dad I'm sorry," I looked at him. "I know darling. It only takes once though," he had disappointment all over his face. "What do you mean look closer?" Willow asked taking the picture from Luna and Damon. "I see what you mean now. Congrats guys," willow handed us back the picture. "I want to see," Rebekah jumped at jace. "Alright," he bent down and picked her up. "There's one of the baby's," Jace pointed where one of them was. "What's that?" Rebekah asked pointing at a similar shape to what jace showed her. "That's the other baby," Jace smiled. "There's two?" Beks yelled happily. "Yeah. Just like uncle hunter and auntie daks. Same with Theo and Javi," he told her. "Your having twins?" Luna and rose stood up at the same time. "No shit sherlocks. Wonder what gave it away," Emilio laughed and rolled his eyes. "Don't make me get my bat," Rose warned him. "No please," he coward away. "We are expecting twins. It's a bigger surprise for us than it is for you," Jace told them. "So while you've been together, how many times have you actually done it?" Damon asked. Me and jace looked at each other looking guilty as hell. "Well it's obvious it was more than once," Luna hit Damon on the chest. "Way more than once," Elijah laughed. "Shut it you Virgin," Jace blurted out. "Your only jealous I still have my flower," Elijah stuck up his middle finger. "At least I can get a girl in my bed," Jace flipped him off. "I could get a girl if I wanted to. I'm not a man whore like you," Elijah fired back. "I may be a man whore but at least I'm not a pussy virgin. I mean, have you ever had a girlfriend?" Jace started raising his voice. "I have had a girlfriend before. Unlike you, one girl every night," he yelled back. "Bro I'm so close of knocking you out," Jace glared at him. "Try me. I'm not like the others in this gang that are intimidated by you," Elijah spat out. "Oh you'll regret that," Jace put Rebekah down and went up to Elijah. He grabbed his shirt and pulled his fist back. "Jace Christian Black I suggest you back away now," Emilio's voice boomed in the room. Rebekah and Corey got scared and ran out of the room. "Next time you won't be so lucky to have uncle Emilio around," Jace let go of him. "There will be no next time," Elijah grabbed Jace and punched him. "Boy you better run," Jace's voice was filled with so much anger, it actually scared me. "Elijah, Jace. My office now," Emilio shouted. "Not until I beat this mother fuckers ass for punching me," Jace yelled back. "I don't give a shit. My office now. I won't ask you again," Emilio sounded very professional and terrifying. Jace and Elijah just stayed in their spots glaring at each other. "Damon get your son, and take him to my office. I'll be up in a minute," Emilio ordered. With that, Damon got up from his seat and took Elijah up the stairs. "Let's go jace before I have to do something I regret," Emilio sounded calmer. I could tell he cared for Jace in ways that I wouldn't understand, it wasn't like a brother or best friend kind of care, it was more like father and son. While Jace glared at Emilio, everyone else was silent. "No," Jace growled. "What did you just say to me?" Emilio looked at him. "I said no," he repeated through a clenched jaw. "Everyone out," Emilio ordered. "Luna get Damon and Elijah down here. If Jace won't move we'll talk in here," he added. With that, everyone got up and out of the room. My dad took me by the arm gently and took me into the garden along with Willow, Rose and Salvatore.

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