Chapter 14

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Cora's POV

As rose chased Jace, everyone was laughing. "It's shit scary when rose chases you but as soon as it's someone else it's so funny," my dad breathed out. "He's in deep shit," Elijah laughed. After a while, there was a loud thud that came from upstairs. "He's been caught," my dad visibly gulped. "He's definitely in deep shit," Elijah had a straight face as well. Everyone in the living room had lost their smiles. "What's going on?" I asked. "Jace is going to get beaten by my wife. I'm scared for him," Salvatore went pale. I heard someone run down the stairs and into the living room. "Keys," jace shouted to Damon. He pulled out a set of keys and threw them at jace. He grabbed my hand and ran into the back garden. "Jace what are you doing?" I asked. "Getting away from the crazy lady," he replied. I looked behind me to see rose with a baseball bat coming full speed at me and jace. Jace unlocked the door to a small hut and dragged me inside. He immediately slammed the door shut and locked it again. "Jace Christian Black open this goddamn door now," rose shouted. "Never," he yelled back. "I will take your gun from you," she said. "I don't care. Keep that stupid bat away from me," Jace panted getting air. "Fine. But I'm still taking your gun," then rose walked off. "Well that was, interesting," I laughed. "She's a fucking crazy lady I swear," Jace smiled and sat down. "What is this place?" I asked looking at my surroundings. "This is Luna and Damon's special spot they go to, to get away from the kids. They let me use it when I want to be on my own or Rose is chasing me," jace explained. "I like it," I sat down next to jace. "Cora I need to ask. How do you really feel about me?" Jace broke the silence. "I like you jace. A lot. More than what I thought I did. Even when I was with Blake I thought about you," I looked down. Jace got my hands and pulled me so I was straddling him. "Good. Because I like you to," then he crashed his lip to mine. Jace stood up and took me over to a bed that was in the hut. I started laughing when jace kissed my neck and layed me down as he climbed on top of me. He took off his top showing his Greek god of a body. I didn't realise he had a gold chain around his neck until now and it just turned me on even more.

Damon's POV

I gave jace the keys to the hut that Luna and built up years ago. There was a bed in there so we used it when we wanted to get away for a couple hours. Jace and cora had been in there for an hour and hadn't come out. "What do you think they're doing?" Elijah asked. "Playing scrabble," Javier said with a lot of sarcasm in his voice. "Seriously?" Elijah looked at him. "No dip shit. They're booking up... again," Javi rolled his eyes. "I'm going to head back to my house. I need to call Cora's mum," Chris stood up. "If you want cora can stay with us. Move in and be with jace. And she would be more safe with us all around," Rose suggested. "That is something you have to talk to cora about. As long as I know my daughter is safe I'll be happy. See you all later," Chris replied and walked away. At 6pm I went to get cora and jace for dinner. Rose had made a chicken salad as it was what everyone wanted. As I got closer to the hut I heard muffled moans coming from it. I immediately stopped and went back into the house. "Where's cora and jace?" Luna asked me. "Uh, they're a little busy at the moment," I tried not to burst out laughing.

Half way through dinner, Jace and cora walked in. "Nice of you to join us," I tried my hardest not to laugh. "Shut up," Jace muttered. He had Cora's hand in his as they walked to the last two available seats. "I didn't know what you liked so I put a bit of everything on your plate cora," rose smiled at her. "Thank you," Cora returned the smile. The whole dinner, Cora kept her head down as she ate.

Cora's POV

"Shit. We are late to dinner," Jace breathed out. "Let's go," I huffed. We put our clothes on and went into the house. Jace held my hand as we went into the kitchen. "Nice of you to join us," Damon snickered. I could tell he was trying not to laugh. "Shut up," jace muttered. "I didn't know what you liked so I put a bit of everything on your plate cora," rose gave me a warm smile. "Thank you," I returned it. As I ate Jace put his hand on my thigh. I put my head down as I felt my face burn up. His hand travelled up my leg and stopped right next to my lady parts. "Jace stop," I whispered. "I don't know what your going on about," he smirked. Just then, his hand cupped me and I bit my lip keeping a moan in my mouth. I stuffed my face to get the thought of it out of my head. "Jace can you pass me the salt," Luna asked. I looked up as Jace pulled his hand away from me. Jace leaned over the table and gave her the salt pot. Luna winked and smiled at me as I gathered she saw that I was uncomfortable. Well, it wasn't appropriate at the dinner table. "Cora how would you feel about moving in with us?" Rose broke the silence. "What about my dad?" I asked. "I already spoke with him. He said as long as your safe he doesn't mind. I was thinking it would be easier to keep you safe," Rose told me. "Ok," I nodded. "Welcome to the Carter, Di'Angelo, Gomez, Lopez, Black family," Damon smiled. "That's a lot of names," I giggled. "Yep. We have rose and Salvatore Carter. Jace black. Connie, Nick, Anthony, Sadie and milo Lopez. Luna, damon, Elijah, Theo, javi, Adrian, Ryan and Corey Gomez. Along with Henry, Hunter, Dakota, Emilio, Jaques, Cole, Rebekah, willow, Trixie, Emily, mikey, max and Lola Di'Angelo," Damon explained. "Are you all related?" I asked. "Some way yes. Luna, Henry, Hunter, Dakota, Emilio, Jaques and Cole are rose and Salvatore's kids. I am married to Luna so that makes us all family. Connie is Salvatore's sister to that makes nick and Salvatore family. We are all related by marriage other than Hugo, griffin, Ronnie, Bentley, Lynn, Violet, Jess and Amber. But we still call them family," Damon told me. "This is one big family," I laughed nervously. "Do you have any siblings cora?" Jaques asked me. "Uh, no. I'm an only child," I responded. "I wish I was an only child," Trixie sighed. "Your stuck with me," Emily laughed. "Try being a triplet with two boys," Lola burst out. "I'm a twin with that dipshit," Javier pointed at Theo. "The only real lucky one around this table is beks. She's an only child. Don't forget jace," Sadie shrugged. Willow and Emilio looked at each other like they were debating on telling something. "That's not entirely true. Beks will not be an only child for that much longe," Emilio sighed. "I'm pregnant," willow blurted out. Everyone one cheered and congratulated them. "Sadie I'm not an only child. I have a little brother that lives with my mum and dad. And I see Elijah and the boys as brothers. Don't forget Dakota as the pain in the ass big sister," Jace laughed. "You love me annoying you," Dakota stuck up her middle finger. "Do I daks? Do I?" Jace chuckled. Once we all finished dinner I helped clean up and then I went to Jace's room. As I went through the door I got a lump in my throat as the thought of Callum's body staring lifeless at me. I felt arms go around my waist and someone put their face in the crook of my neck. "We can switch rooms if you want to," Jace told me. "Yeah," was all I managed to get out. Jace let go of me and took my hand in his. We went to the room that we were in before. "This will be our room from now on. Or as long as you will have me," Jace smirked at me. "I've just realised we've hooked up three times and we aren't even a couple," I smiled. "Well, Cora James will you be my girlfriend?" Jace pulled my into his chest. "Yes," I looked up at him. He leaned down and kissed me then pulled away after a while. "Let's go to sleep. It's late," Jace took my hand and pulled me over to the bed. We both got under the covers and cuddled up to each other. "I love you cora James," Jace kissed my cheek. "I love you to jace Christian black," I giggled. "Come on, tell me your middle name now," Jace whined. "Hope. Cora hope James," I told him. We both laughed and talked for a while until I fell asleep. "Goodnight cora hope James," I heard jace whisper and kiss my head. I moved so I was close you his chest and hid my face. I felt like home.

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