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A brown haired man was leaning against a car, parked along the side of the road. He wore a black tie and dress shirt, completing the professional look with black dress pants and shoes.

"Ma'am," he nodded at Lucina.

"I told you not to call me that Frederick," the bluenette sighed, a little embarrassed.

"I see you found Miss Morgan, and..."

The man narrowed his eyes at Robin, who gulped.

"Whoa! Okay!" Morgan caught his attention, "I know that look Frederick, you can relax. That's my dad."

He blinked, "I see... is he coming with us?"

"Yes," Lucina nodded, "It'll be fine, don't worry. Let's go."

He just nodded, going to the other side and opening the shotgun side door. Lucina walked around, thanking him and sitting down. Morgan opened her door, and sat down, sliding across so she was behind Lucina. Her father sat down nervously, closing the door. Frederick climbed in last, starting the car.

"So... uh..." Robin glanced at the three of them nervously.

It was quiet for a moment.

"I'm sorry," Morgan said suddenly, "I... I'm really sorry Papa. I should've told you about all this before, but I was scared, and now you had to find out the hard way..."

"Morgan..." he grabbed her hand, squeezing it gently, "It's alright. I'm not mad, I'm just... shocked I guess. My little girl is a gang member."

"And a hell of a member as well," Lucina muttered from the front.

"I'm not that great!" Morgan flushed, "Besides, I... I doubt killing people for a living is something to be proud of..."

"Nobody here is proud of what we do Miss Morgan," Frederick sighed, "Trust me."

"Still, I... I'm sorry," she looked at her father, "I really am."

"I just want to know why," Robin assured her, "Why... why you're a part of this, and why you didn't tell me."

"I... I was scared..." the smaller girl admitted, "I was scared of you getting mad at me... and of you getting dragged into this. As for why I'm here in the first place..."

She trailed off, glancing at Lucina, then Frederick, and sighing.

"I owe a debt to them, and... I believe in what the Shepherds fight for. You'll understand when you find out, I'm sure of it."

Robin nodded.

Frederick took a sharp turn to the side, glancing in the mirror, "We're being followed."

"Goddammit," Lucina scowled, "Don't head to the base until we've lost them. Morgan?"

"Already on it," Morgan replied. She had pulled her phone out as soon as Frederick noted their dilemma, and was calling someone.

"Hey Stahl, uh... yeah, we're being followed. Let the boss know we might be late. Oh, really? Are you sure? Thank you! Yeah, yep... we'll be fine, yeah. See ya."

She hung up as Frederick made another sharp turn, weaving around a second corner, and turning around the block.

"Well?" The bluenette glanced at her friend.

"Stahl said he and Sully are in the area. They're looking for us to try and pull them off our tail."

Lucina nodded. Frederick sped up, and Robin looked behind them to see another car pull up between them.

A Force to be Reckoned With (FE:A Modern/Gang Chrobin AU)Where stories live. Discover now