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A week went by. Robin's routine became simple.

Wake up, go to work, and when his shift was finished, he, Morgan, and Lucina went to the base, where he holed himself in the tactics room and went back to planning.

Today was no different, although this time Morgan was helping him. Chrom and Tiki were there too.

"We can pair people up, and send them in groups of 4," Morgan suggested. She moved a group of pawns across the map, "If we go here and... here, we can take out two of their smaller groups."

"Mmm, but the groups are about 10-15 people. Four would hardly stand a chance against that," Tiki frowned, "What about 8-10?"

"Too many," Chrom shook his head, "But if we don't take them out before attacking the main base, we'll be overrun."

"We could ambush them," Robin suggested, moving the pawns, "Two people get their attention, and lead them away to a group of allies."

"But we can't get them out all at once," the manakete frowned.

"But it will lessen their numbers," Morgan smiled, "Then we can send in the group of four on the rest."

"Which still leaves us at at least 8," Chrom frowned.

"Can we guess the enemy numbers?" Robin asked.

"I believe this group has 10," Tiki pointed at one, "This one has 13, and this one has 15."

"So we can send 8 on the group of 15," the tactician pushed the pawns over, "and 6 on the other two."

"What about backup?" His daughter frowned.

"We can attack the main base while the smaller groups are occupied," Robin replied, "That will help prevent anyone from being overrun. Once the smaller enemy groups are out, our allies will join us."

"Brilliant!" Tiki smiled, "I must say Robin, you're amazing at this!"

"Oh, I don't know about that-"

"Are you kidding?!" Morgan laughed, "You're the best Papa!"

"I agree," Chrom nodded, smiling widely, "I don't know what we would have done without you."

"I'm sure you would have managed," the tactician laughed lightly, a small blush visible across his face, "When do we execute the plan?"

"How does next week sound?" The blue haired commander suggested, "That gives us time to prepare everyone."

"Alright!" Morgan cheered, "I'm going to go tell the others!" She ran out of the room excitedly.

"I suppose we should make the announcement," Tiki smiled, straightening up.

"I still need to figure out who is in which group," Robin muttered.

"How about you make the announcement Tiki," Chrom glanced at her, "I'll help Robin make the groups."

She smirked at him.

"Don't give me that look!"

"Alright, but I'm telling Lissa."

"Fine! Gods..."

The greenette giggled as she left the room, leaving the pair alone and blushing.


"Don't worry about it," Chrom said quickly, sitting back down, "Let's get to the groups..."

Robin nodded.


"Phew!" The tactician sighed, "Gods, how many weapons do we have?!"

"This is just the main armory," the commander replied, laughing, "Be happy we're only on this one for today. I've had to clean all of them before."

A Force to be Reckoned With (FE:A Modern/Gang Chrobin AU)Where stories live. Discover now