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Chrom and Lissa greeted them when they arrived at the school. Officers had the place taped off, and people were gathered around, mumbling in worry. 

"What's going on?" Robin asked as they arrived. 

"It's a hostage situation," he replied, "The Grimleal have the place locked down, all the officers who tried to get in were shot. Inigo said he and Laurent are going along with it for now, but they're threatening to kill the students if they don't get what they want." 

"Which is?" Morgan frowned. 

Lissa sighed, "The Boss." 

Lucina inhaled sharply, "The idiots. Boss never comes out for anything." 

"Yeah… they said Tiki and I would do, if she won't come, and honestly, I'm ready to go over there," Chrom admitted.

"Father, no," Lucina clenched her fists, "Don't…" 

"What else do we do?" He asked sadly. 

"Stealth operation," Robin and Morgan said at once. They glanced at each other, and smiled. 

"How do we do that?" Lissa frowned. 

"Who else is here?" Robin asked. Her brother looked around, scanning the crowd. 

"Gaius and Lon'qu… the others are still coming." 

"Gaius is a hacker, right?" 

"The best we have," Chrom nodded. 

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" The tactician smiled at his daughter. 

"I think so," Morgan nodded, grinning. 

"You have a plan?" The commander grinned. 

"I think we've got something," Robin said. 


Lucina and Chrom nodded at each other, sliding the earpieces on, and flicking the on switch. 

"-lo? Hello? Can you hear me?"

"We can hear you," Chrom confirmed. 

"Good," Robin replied, "One minute, Gaius is finishing up." 

"Done," they heard Gaius speak, "I'm into the cameras. Sup guys." 

Lucina looked at the nearest security camera, and waved. 

"Right," Robin said, "You remember the plan, right?" 

"Of course," Lucina nodded. 

"Awesome. Morgan? How are you doing?" 

"I'm ready to go," Morgan replied. 



"Okay. Start moving. We'll warn you of Grimleal in the area. Avoid confrontation as much as possible." 

"Let's do this," Morgan muttered. 

Lucina and her father began walking, staying quiet. 

"Blue, 7 2 around the left corner," Gaius said. 

The pair moved to the side. Lucina ducked behind a trash can, and Chrom under a table. 

A moment later, a 2 Grimleal passed them. They came out and continued walking.

"Black, 10 1 right corner." 

They heard shuffling. A moment later, Morgan sighed in relief. 


A Force to be Reckoned With (FE:A Modern/Gang Chrobin AU)Where stories live. Discover now