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"Hi Henry! Hi Tharja!"

"You're awfully cheerful for someone who hates us," Tharja muttered.

Morgan frowned, "I don't hate you. I hated the fact that you might be Grimleal, but you aren't, so we're good!"

"I can't believe we're actually going through with this," Lucina exhaled, sounding slightly annoyed. She reached behind her neck. With a quick tug, her hair came undone, falling over her shoulders.

Robin sighed, "Just... don't break anything."

"Didn't plan on it," Tharja grumbled.

"Aww!" Henry pouted.

"Have a seat, they'll be here soon," the tactician gestured to the living room. The two went and sat down. Lucina walked over and sat across from them.

"Hey! Hey, Luci!" Morgan bounded over to her happily, "Come on, I want to show you my room!"

"Mor- Ah!" The bluenette helped as the ravenette pulled her up, and began running, "Morgan! Slow down!"

"Are they friends or something?" Tharja asked, glancing at Robin.

"More like kill buddies, but yeah," Robin sighed, "Those two are scary together."

The doorbell rang. He walked over, opening the door.

"Yo," Chrom smiled at him, waving. Tiki stood next to him, smiling Frederick and Lissa stood behind them, the former scowling.

"Robin!" The blonde cheered, jumping on him, "I haven't seen you in forever!"

"Whoa!" He fell backwards, "Lissa, I've been at the base everyday after work!"

"Yeah, and then you barricade yourself in the tactics room!" She scowled, "Learn to take a break, will ya?"

"Okay, okay! Get off of me!"

"Nah," she giggled, "I like this. Your coat is fluffy."


"Come on Lissa," Tiki sighed, pulling her off of him, "We have important things to discuss, remember?"

"Yeah, something about new members?"

"Yeah," Robin nodded, "They're in the living room."

The trio followed him, and Chrom frowned.

"Where's Lucina and Morgan?"

"Morgan dragged her up to her room. They probably won't be back for a while."

"Are these the aspiring recruits you mentioned?" Frederick stared at Henry and Tharja.

"Uh, yes," the tactician nodded, "This is Henry,"


"And Tharja."


"They look nice," Lissa commented.

"Looks can be deceiving," Frederick muttered.

"Don't be like that," Chrom laughed, patting him on the shoulder. He turned to the two, "I'm Chrom, field commander of the Shepherds, though I'm sure you knew that. This is Lissa, my younger sister, and Frederick, our..."

"I am their bodyguard," Frederick stated, straightening up and folding his hands behind his back, "I am here to ensure no harm becomes the commanders and Lissa."

"Calm down Frederick," Tiki laughed lightly, "My name is Tiki, I'm the indoor commander for the Shepherds. I manage our stocks, plans, and supports."

A Force to be Reckoned With (FE:A Modern/Gang Chrobin AU)Where stories live. Discover now