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There was a knock on the door. 

"Come in." 

"Hey," Chrom entered the room, smiling. Robin looked up at him, and immediately the smile disappeared. 

The tactician was exhausted, and it was obvious. Every day, he went to the tactics room after work, and every day, he would come up with a plan, only to immediately scrap it and start over. 

There were dark bags under his hazel eyes, and he was hunched over the table. His laptop was open to a news site, displaying a report about the Shepherds. The notebook he was writing in was missing half of it's pages, and the garbage bin was overflowing. 

The tactician sighed, "Hey, Chrom…" he looked down, "Do you need something?" 

"I just wanted to check on you," the commander replied softly, sitting down next to him. 

"I haven't come up with anything if that's what you're wondering," Robin replied, sighing. 

"That's not what I meant," Chrom sighed, "You've been locking yourself in here every day-" 

"I'm fine," the silver haired man interrupted him, "I don't have time for rest right now, I have to figure out how to throw the police and Grimleal off our trail and woman we captured hasn't been any help at all-" 

"To be fair, we aren't doing much to convince her," the blue haired man hummed, moving his hand to rub gentle circles on his tactician's back. 

Robin resisted the urge to lean against him, huffing, "Still…" 

"Morgan's been worried about you," Chrom said quietly, "She says you've been locking yourself in your room every night. It's obvious too," his other hand moved to cup the tactician's cheek, "You haven't been sleeping, have you?" 

Robin tried to pull away, but his boyfriend held tightly to him, "Chrom, I'm fine-" 

"Don't lie to me, Robin," the commander sighed. With a strong tug, he pulled his tactician off his seat and into his lap, "Despite what you may think, you're a horrible liar." 

Robin flushed, falling against Chrom's chest, "I just… I can't sleep, knowing that any time I don't spend trying to make a plan is more time for everyone else to look for us... They're getting close too. Say'ri said she had to chase an officer away from the area yesterday, and Yarne told me that he had to take a longer route to his home from school because the Grimleal were following him-" 

"Stop it," Chrom interrupted him, "You're catastrophizing again." 


The blue haired man laughed lightly, "Don't be. You know, we're the only ones here right now." 

"Really?" Robin frowned, looking up at him. 

"Yep, everyone else has gone home," Chrom grinned. 

"I know exactly what you're thinking," the tactician sighed, "And it's not happening here. Panne, Yarne, and the manakete's will smell it." 

"Aww," Chrom pouted, and Robin snorted. 


"Sorry, it's just… you look silly." 


"I said I'm sorry!" He snickered, and the commander laughed. 

"My place?" 

"Okay, but if I get an angry call from Morgan tomorrow morning, I'm telling her to blame you." 

"Fine by me," Chrom stood up, carrying his tactician out of the room. Robin squeaked out his name in surprise, and he just laughed, kissing his cheek. They made it to the commander's car, and drove off. 

A Force to be Reckoned With (FE:A Modern/Gang Chrobin AU)Where stories live. Discover now