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The tactician heard quick footsteps approaching him. He looked up, frowning. 

"What's the situation?" Tiki stopped in front of him, frowning. Nowi was next to her.

"I don't know," he confessed, "The theater is closed, and police are everywhere." 

"This can't be good," Nowi muttered. 

They heard more quick footsteps. Chrom and Lucina appeared. 

"What's going on?" The bluenette frowned.

"Papa!" Robin turned. Morgan ran over, panting. 

"It's really bad," she said breathlessly, "Someone was murdered!"

"What?!" The tactician's eyes widened. 

"Come on!" She grabbed his hand, pulling him into the crowd. The other 4 followed quickly. 

They stopped before a police rope, gaping at the scene. 

A blond man was dead. They couldn't tell from what. Lucina recognized him. 

"That's…" she trailed off. 

"I knew he seemed familiar!" Morgan turned to her, "He was in your class last year, wasn't he?" 

Last year, Lucina had graduated from grade 12. She nodded breathlessly. 

"It's Xander… gods, who-" 

"Look," Tiki pointed at the wall. Blood marked it. 

Blood in what was unmistakably the Shepherds logo. 

Chrom brought his hand to his shoulder, frowning, "No way…" 

"Nowi, send a message to everyone in the Shepherds," Tiki clenched her fists, "We're holding an emergency meeting." 

Morgan brought her phone out, quickly snapping a picture and then sticking it back in her pocket. 

"The officers are coming around asking questions," Robin muttered, "Let's get out of here." 

"Right," Chrom nodded. They turned and began to walk quickly away. Nowi was typing furiously on her phone, mumbling. Once she was finished, everyone else's phones buzzed. 

"Excuse me, young lady." 

They reached the cars, turning around. Lucina had lagged behind, and was now talking to an officer. 

"Sir," she nodded politely, "Can I help you?" 

The bluenette forced herself to relax, her expression stoic and guarded. 

"Just a few questions regarding the scene. Have you seen any suspicious individuals in your time here?" 

"No sir." 

Chrom cursed, starting to walk over. Robin grabbed his shoulder. He looked back, and the tactician shook his head. 

"The victim was a 19 year old man named Xander Nohr. Did you have any relationship with him, and could you please specify what if you did?" 

"He was a fellow student in my class last year. We sat next to each other, however that was the extent of our relationship." 

"I see," the officer wrote that down, "May I know your name Miss?" 


"Full name please." 

She tensed up slightly, "Marth Fellon." 

"She's good at this," Morgan muttered. 

"Thank you for your time Miss Fellon," the officer nodded, "Please proceed." 

A Force to be Reckoned With (FE:A Modern/Gang Chrobin AU)Where stories live. Discover now