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He could've sworn his heart stopped, reading the paper.

The Grimleal have Morgan. They want to meet you at 9pm tonight at the school alone.

"Mr. Levin?" The principal sounded worried. 

"I-I'll call you back." 

He hung up, nearly dropping his phone. 

Tharja lowered her's, "No answer." 

"Uh oh…" Henry muttered. 

Robin's breathing became faster, panicked.

Their boss came over, frowning, "Is everything alright?" 

Lucina frowned, "Robin?"

"This… this is a joke right?" He looked at her, "Very funny, haha." 

The group frowned. Their boss picked up the paper before they could stop her. 

"...I see. I knew Marth was familiar," she smiled at her, lifting her bangs. The same birthmark was on her forehead that Chrom had on his shoulder, the Shepherds symbol. 

"Aunty Emmeryn?" Lucina frowned. 

Emmeryn smiled, "Yes, it's lovely to see you again dear." Her smile disappeared, "I understand this is bad. Why don't you take the rest of the day off?" 

"Seriously?" Tharja frowned. She nodded. 

"Yes. Working will only make things worse. Take the day off and tell the others, we'll manage here." 

"Thank you," Robin exhaled shakily, "Thank you so much." 

He stood up, quickly packing his things and running out the door. Lucina, Henry, and Tharja were quick to follow. 

Robin took his phone out, calling his daughter. Once, twice, three times. She didn't pick up. 

Lucina called her father. Tharja took out her phone and called Noire. Henry went onto the news, frowning. The tactician kept trying to call Morgan.

Lucina hung up. A few minutes later, Chrom pulled up, frowning. 

They climbed into the car with him. Tharja hung up. 

"Noire says she messaged the others. They're all making excuses to get out of class." 

"There's nothing on the news yet," Henry sighed. 

"She won't pick up," Robin muttered. He stared at his phone, trembling. 

Chrom glanced at him worriedly, "Let's head to the school." 

"No," Lucina shook her head, "All 5 of us, plus the 12 of them out of class would draw attention." 

"Then I'll go talk to the principal by myself," Robin muttered, "Morgan…" 

"They said 9pm tonight, right?" Henry looked at Lucina. She nodded, "So we just go meet them tonight, and if they don't give us Morgan, we kill them!" 

"No," the other four said in unison. 


"They said they wanted Robin alone anyway," the bluenette sighed. 

Chrom pulled up at the school, and Robin jumped out.

"I'll be back soon." 

He closed the door and left. Chrom sighed, unbuckling and getting out. 

"Father?" Lucina frowned. 

"Wait here, I'm going with him." 

"He said he wanted to go alone," Tharja muttered. 

A Force to be Reckoned With (FE:A Modern/Gang Chrobin AU)Where stories live. Discover now