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"Hold on," Morgan blinked as she spoke over the phone, "You let Owain do what?!" 

"Well it's not like I could stop him!" Inigo replied, sighing, "Just… where are you?!" 

"I'm almost at the school. Please tell me you at least didn't let him fight them alone…"

"What?! Of course not!" 

"Good. How bad are the injuries?" 

"Mostly bruises but… he's on the ground being dramatic." 

She heard a faint yell, something along the lines of 'I'm dying!'

"Lucina is going to kill you," the girl muttered, sighing, "Alright. I'm coming. Is Brady with you?" 

"Severa is calling him," her friend responded, "Please don't tell Lucina…"

"Good luck keeping it from her." 


Morgan sighed, "I'm almost there Inigo, hold on." 

"Will do, thanks Morgan." 

"No problem." 

She hung up, sighing as she stuck her phone into her pocket and shifted her left arm uncomfortably. The broken arm act was going to last for at least another week, and she wasn't happy about it. 

The tactician's daughter sighed as she approached the school, and went to the field. It wasn't hard to find her friends, as Owain's dramatically pained groans could be heard almost across the school. Students were gathered around, a mix of confusion and amusement with them. 

"Excuse me," Morgan muttered, slipping past the students until she was with her friends. Severa had her arms crossed, and she was scowling. Brady was kneeling next to Owain, also scowling. Inigo ran a hand through his hair, sighing. Owain himself, was laying on the ground and being dramatic. 

"This is my final breath!" He gasped out, "Please… leave me…" 

A couple students snickered and giggled. 

"You're fine Odin," Brady sighed. 

"Fair maiden!" He reached out to Severa, "A kiss before I pass?" 

"No," Severa scowled, clearly unimpressed. Morgan snickered, and a few kids burst into laughter, while others let out an 'ooh!'

"Fair maiden," he looked to Morgan, reaching out, "Will you allow me to pass all alone?" 

They looked to Morgan. Inigo raised an eyebrow, practically waiting for her inevitably snarky response.

"Depends," she crouched down, "Buy me lunch and I'll think about it." 

More laughter. 

"I'm dying, how can I buy you lunch if I'm dead?" He raised an eyebrow. 

"Good question," she shrugged, "Guess that means no kiss for you." 

She stood up, and Owain groaned, "Okay! I'll buy you lunch! Dammit…" 

"Great!" She crouched back down, grinning as she pecked his cheek. An unmistakable crimson blush spread across his cheeks. 

"The power of the maiden's kiss has revived me!" He sat up, "Thank you fair maiden! I will repay you with lunch." 

"That's going in the group chat," Hinoka snickered, typing on her phone. Morgan and Owain's buzzed, and they opened the message. 

Class Group Chat
FiestyRed: Guess who just got Odin to buy her lunch (1 attachment)

Purpleboobs: Smooth

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