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The hacker sighed, "That took longer then I anticipated... Guess I shouldn't be surprised the police have so many firewalls on their files."

He hummed, clicking through the files. He found the ones he was looking for. The school hostage situation, Xander's murder, the street hostage situation, and most recently, Maria's murder. Gaius opened them each separately, quickly disabling their firewalls.

A message popped up on his phone. An unknown number.

Who are you?

He decided to ignore it, continuing through the files.

His phone buzzed again.

I know you're going through classified files. Answer me or I'll report you.

The hacker raised an eyebrow, picking up his phone.


Who's asking?

My name is none of your business. Why are you going through police files?

What I'm doing is none of your business, yet here we are.

Tell me your name and I'll tell mine.

I'm not stupid. Answer my question. Don't think I won't hesitate to report you.

Heard that before. Good luck reporting a conversation you never had, or someone you never met.

You aren't the only hacker here.


So, you gonna tell me your name?


Soren. Now tell me yours.

"Soren, huh?..." he hummed, punching the name into the computer. An officer, one who specializes in tactics.


He snorted.

You messaged me first.

Name's Gaius.

Well, since you figured out my occupation rather quickly, why don't you tell me yours?

Hacker. Thought that was obvious.

Which gang?


You're as smart as the files said. Shepherds.

Of course. Looking to delete the evidence against you?

What evidence against us?

As far as I can tell, the only evidence are the symbols and claims.
And trust me, neither of those are accurate.

A Force to be Reckoned With (FE:A Modern/Gang Chrobin AU)Where stories live. Discover now