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Robin slowly opened his eyes, blinking a couple times.

"What the…" 

His memory was a little fuzzy. He remembered… the attack and then…

Oh Gods…

His breathing quickened, and it didn't help when he realized he was laying on top of Chrom, a heavy blush settling across his face. 

The smaller man heard a groan, and looked up. The man underneath him stirred, blinking. 


Chrom smiled at him, a bright and charming smile that nearly made Robin swoon. 

"M...morning," the tactician replied, blushing. He shifted as Chrom sat up, and wrapped his arms around him. 

"Hmm…" the blue haired man let out a content hum, pulling the white haired man closer.

"C-Chrom!" Robin flushed, "What are you doing?!" He was pressed against Chrom's chest, his face a crimson red. 

"Something wrong?" The taller man's voice was low and husky, and made the tactician blush even more, his breath stopping for a minute.

He didn't answer though. 

"Is that a no?" 

His breath tickled Robin's ear, causing the tactician to inhale sharply. 

But… he didn't want this to stop. Not yet. 

He flushed, but quickly shook his head, gripping Chrom's shirt. Chrom laughed, a pleasant sound Robin would never get tired off.


Neither of them moved, just enjoying their company. 

Despite the fact that Chrom had said morning, it was far from the morning. Just past 9pm. It was dark out, the stars and the moon shining together through the window. 

But of course, it didn't last long. Memories of earlier came flooding back, startling the tactician into tears. 

"Robin?..." Chrom frowned, as he felt wetness against his chest. He pulled his smaller friend up to face him, "What's wrong?" 

Robin looked down, sniffling, "Gods… I… why?..." 

"Why, what?" 

"Why are you being so nice to me?!" He exclaimed, tears falling, "I… I don't…" 

Chrom hummed softly, gently taking his thumb and wiping the tears away.

"...You shot someone yesterday, didn't you? That's why you were frozen with your gun on the ground." 

The tactician froze, nodding slowly. 

"Robin…" he hummed softly, "It's okay. It was in self defense. They were going to kill you." 

"But… but still!" 

"I've killed people before," he whispered quietly, "Lucina has killed people before, Lissa, Tiki… even Morgan has." 

"But I still-" 

"Robin, listen to me," he spoke firmly, "You were surrounded, right?" 


"They were going to attack you, right?" 

A quick nod. 

"So it's fine. You were provoked and acting in self defense." 

A Force to be Reckoned With (FE:A Modern/Gang Chrobin AU)Where stories live. Discover now