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"I'm home!" 

"Papa!" The ravenette darted out of the kitchen, racing towards him. Robin barely had enough time to put his stuff down when she jumped on him, pulling her father into a squeeze hug. 

"Ah! Morgan!" He laughed, hugging back, "Hello Sweetie. Are you okay?" 

"I'm fine," she let go, smiling, "Gaius told me what happened. By the way," Morgan lowered her voice, giggling, "Chrom is in the living room. He came over looking for you." 

"Does he know?" 

"Yeah, I told him." 

"Alright," the tactician kissed his daughter's forehead, "Go hide, I'll take care of it." 

"What are you going to do?" She tilted her head, frowning. 

"Don't worry," he smiled, ruffling her hair, "I've got a plan." 

"You're going to pretend I don't exist, aren't you?" His daughter scowled, knitting her eyebrows together. 

"That was the plan, but don't worry. I still love you." 

"You better!" She pushed him playfully, giggling, "I'll go hide in the basement." 

"I'll come get you when they're gone," he called, as she ran off to the basement door. It opened, and she rushed down the stairs. 

Robin went into the living room, smiling when he saw the blue haired man on his couch. 

He walked forward, and covered his eyes, "Guess who?" 

"You know I recognize your voice, right Babe?" Chrom laughed, grabbing his hands and moving them. Robin flushed at the nickname, laughing. 

"I figured, I just wanted to try it," he walked around the couch, plopping down next to the commander, "Morgan said she told you?" 

"Yeah," his boyfriend nodded, "I heard the basement door open, is she…?" 

"Yep," the tactician smiled, leaning against him, "You want to watch Netflix while we wait?" 

"Netflix and chill?" Chrom smirked. 

"Not that kind of chill, you horny bastard!" The snow haired man laughed, though his face turned a vibrant shade of red, shoving his boyfriend playfully and picking up the remote. Chrom laughed as well, wrapping his arm around Robin and pulling him closer. 

"I know, you're just fun to tease." 



"Fuck you!" 

"I did that last night." 

"Chrom!" The tactician blushed even more if that was possible, "Gods… Did you know Henry found out about that?" 

The commander blinked, "Seriously? How?!" 

"I don't know, but Lucina knows now." 

"Oh Gods…" 

Robin opened Netflix on his TV, and they scrolled through the shows, finally settling on an anime they both liked. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood.

"Alchemy is kind of like magic," Chrom noted. 

"Sort of," Robin shrugged, "It's a lot more scientific though." 

"Philosopher's stone is basically magic," he replied. 

Robin made a snarky retort, making them both snicker. 

Halfway through the second episode, there was a knock on the door. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2020 ⏰

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