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Chrom hated war council meetings. He absolutely despised them. 

The atmosphere in the room was tense. At the head of the table was Tiki's laptop, in a Skype call. Her mother was on the other end, her face shadowed. 

Tiki herself sat to the right of the laptop, and across from her was Chrom. Lucina was next to her father, across from Robin. 

"I heard about the school incident," the boss spoke, "You handled it well."

"Thank you," Chrom nodded slowly. 

"The Grimleal are becoming bolder," she stated, "We must prepare to launch an assault on their base and find their leader." 

"Ma'am, wouldn't it be better to take a commander hostage and draw him out?" Robin frowned. 

"No," Tiki shook her head with a sigh, "It would be a wasteful risk." 

"Robin," the woman nodded, "Please understand, the Grimleal's leader is a merciless monster who does not care about his followers. Taking a commander hostage would not benefit us." 

The tactician frowned, but nodded, "I understand." 

"Prepare an assault on the Grimleal base to find and kill their leader. Call me once more before execution." 

"Yes Ma'am," Lucina nodded. 


The four of them saluted, and the video cut. Tiki closed her laptop with a sigh. 

"Any ideas?" 

The three looked at Robin. 

"I'll see what I can figure out," he sighed, "If anyone could get me a map of the Grimleal territory, it would be appreciated." 

"I'll see what we can do," Chrom nodded, "Any reports?" 

Nobody answered. 

"Alright," Tiki stood up, "If you'll excuse me, I have to make sure Nowi isn't destroying things again…" 

She left the room. 

"I'm going to go find Morgan," Lucina murmured, standing up as well, "Excuse me." 

She followed Tiki out of the room. The two men were left alone. 

Robin sighed, "This is going to be one hell of an assault." 

He and Chrom stood. They left the room together, the tactician immediately walking towards the tactics room. 

"I'll see what I can do to find you a map," the commander promised, patting Robin's shoulder. 

"Thank you Commander," Robin smiled faintly.

"Hey, I've told you how I feel about formalities." 

"Sorry, Chrom," the tactician laughed a little, "I'll be in the tactics room if you need me." 

"Alright," Chrom nodded, and they parted ways. 


"Hello?" Chrom answered the call, frowning. 

"Hey, Chrom?" Morgan asked, sounding worried, "Have you seen Papa? He hasn't come home yet." 

"Robin?" The blue haired man blinked, "No, not since he left to plan this morning." 

"...can you check if he's still there? And if he is, bring him home? Papa has a habit of getting absorbed in his work…" 

"Of course?" Chrom smiled faintly, "I'll make sure he gets home Morgan.: 

"Thank you, see you soon." 

"Yeah, see you." 

The girl hung up, and Chrom lowered his phone with a frown. He walked to the tactics room, wondering if Robin was really still here at 11:30PM.

Sure enough, the white haired man was in the tactics room, staring at the map he had gotten earlier and surrounded by pawns. 


The tactician didn't respond, staring at the map. 

Chrom walked over, waving his hand in front of Robin, "Earth to Robin, wake up." 

"Huh- wha?" Robin stiffened, blinking a couple times, "Oh co- Chrom. Sorry, I spaced out. What do you need?" 

"It's 11:30," Chrom frowned. 

"Oh, really? I'm not very hungry-" 

"At night, Robin." 

The tactician blinked, frowning, "Really?"

"Yes," Chrom sighed, "I thought I was the only one who stayed up this late finishing work. Morgan is worried about you." 

"She is?" 

"Yep. She asked me to bring you home." 

"Did she?" Robin sighed, "Thank you Chrom, just let me pack up and-" 

He wobbled as he stood, blood rushing to his head. 

"Whoa!" The commander frowned, reaching a hand out to steady him, "Just leave your things, let's get you home." 


"Nobody's going to steal them if that's what you're worried about," Chrom laughed, "Come on, I'll give you a ride." 

Robin didn't answer, just barely yawning as he stumbled after the commander outside. 

"Gods, you really are tired," he mumbled, steadying the shorter man with a small smile. They made it into Chrom's car, and he drove them off.



Morgan hugged her father, and he laughed, hugging her back. 

"Hey Sweetie, sorry I wasn't home earlier." 

"You better be! I was worried sick!" 

She gently punched him, scowling.

Chrom laughed, watching the two of them. 

Morgan jumped down a step, bowing her head at Chrom, "Thank you for bringing him home." 

"Don't worry about it," he replied, ruffling her hair. 

"You head off to bed Morgan," Robin took his daughter's hand, "You've been up way too late." 

She nodded with a small sigh, "Alright… night Papa, night Chrom." 

The smaller girl waved, before running inside. 

"Thank you, Chrom," the white haired man smiled, "I really appreciate it." 

"Of course," the commander smiled back, "We can't have our tactician overworking himself, can we? Besides, you're our friend. We all appreciate the work you do to help us." 

Robin laughed lightly, "Oh come now, we barely know each other, and I don't do much. All I've really done so far is help you with that hostage situation." 

"And if you hadn't been there to help, it could've gone horribly wrong. I don't have to know everything about you to consider you a friend." 

The shorter man smiled softly, "I… I guess so." 

A comfortable silence settled as they stared at each other. The pair seemed to get closer, until Robin registered his hand being held. They were only inches apart. 

He pulled away quickly, "I should go make sure Morgan is in bed. Goodnight Chrom." 

"R...right," Chrom nodded, stepping back, "Goodnight Robin." 

The white haired man rushed inside, praying his face wasn't as red as it felt. Chrom got into his car and drove away. 

Robin went inside, sighing. 

"You know, out of everyone we know, I didn't think you would fall for him." 


Robin scowled as his daughter ran off, giggling. 

But he followed her to his room, and fell asleep quickly.

A Force to be Reckoned With (FE:A Modern/Gang Chrobin AU)Where stories live. Discover now