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Chrom's apartment was on the 5th floor of an apartment complex. Room 506. 

They didn't encounter anybody along the way thankfully, taking the elevator up and leading Robin inside. 

"It isn't much, but make yourself at home." 

The tactician didn't protest, or inquire why they were at his apartment rather than the base like everyone else. 

He just stood there, taking deep breaths and trembling. 

Chrom frowned, worriedly. He pointed Robin towards the couch, and he nodded, mumbling a thanks as he walked over and sat down. The commander took out his cellphone, calling Tiki. 

"Chrom!" She picked halfway through the first ring, sounding upset, "Where are you?! Everyone else is here!" 

"Sorry," he laughed quietly, "Something came up. Robin and I are at my apartment." 

"What? We were all told to come to the secondary base, what happened?" 

He glanced at the couch. Robin stared at his hands, his breaths becoming shaky and panicked. 

"Something's wrong with Robin," the commander replied quietly, "He's freaking out, and in no shape to talk to the others." 

"Do you know why?" 

"No," he shook his head, "I saw him surrounded and his gun was on the ground." 

"Oh Gods…" she sighed worriedly, "I hope he's alright." 

"So do I… tell the others that we're fine, please. Get settled in, we've had enough excitement for today." 

"I will. We can hold a meeting tomorrow to discuss what happened. Stay safe, alright?" 

"Yeah, bye." 


He hung up, depositing his phone on the counter. 

"Do you want something to eat?" He turned to the tactician. 

Robin didn't respond vocally, slowly shaking his head. 

Chrom walked over, sitting down next to him, "Hey…" 

His fingers brushed the smaller man's arm. Robin flinched. 

The blue haired man frowned, hesitating. 

Then he wrapped his arms around the tactician, pulling him into a hug. 

The smaller man froze, tensing up at the sudden embrace. Slowly, he relaxed, and gripped Chrom's shirt, whimpering quietly. 

Carefully, Chrom pulled him into his lap. He didn't say anything, just shifted so the tactician was on top of him. 

They stayed like that, until the commander heard soft snoring. He had fallen asleep. 

With a gentle laugh, he smiled, tightening his grip a little. He pressed a gentle kiss to Robin's forehead. 

"I'll never get over how fast you made me fall for you Robin…" 

And Chrom fell asleep too.


"What?! Is Papa okay?!" Morgan gasped, grabbing Tiki's hands, "Can we go see him?! Oh gods…" 

"Robin is just fine Morgan," Tiki assured her, "He's with Chrom at his apartment." 

"I don't get why they didn't just come here," Nowi frowned, "Surely the healers could help him." 

"From the sound of it, this wasn't a physical injury," Lucina hummed, "The apartment was probably closer anyway." 

A Force to be Reckoned With (FE:A Modern/Gang Chrobin AU)Where stories live. Discover now