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"Hey, look, your old man finally showed up." 

The Grimleal kicked Morgan. She fell onto her side, and hissed at him with a glare. Her hands were tied behind her back.

"Oh don't be like that," he retorted, hoisting her up. 

The tactician took a deep breath, "Okay, I'm here. What do you want?" 

"Mostly information," the Grimleal responded, "And quick." 

"What information?" 

"Where's your new Shepherd base?" 

Robin remained quiet. 

The Grimleal pulled out a gun, "Well?" 

He put it to the side of the girl's head. She froze, and the tactician grit his teeth.

But Robin didn't say anything. 

"You know if I don't get the information I'll shoot, right?" The Grimleal scowled. 

"Okay…" the snow haired man exhaled shakily, "Get me some paper and I'll draw a map." 

"Papa?..." Morgan's eyes widened. 

"Hah! I knew you'd see it our way, give me a minute." 

He dropped the gun. The second it hit the ground, there was a loud thump. 

Chrom fell out of the tree, "OW!"

They all turned to him.


A bullet pierced the Grimleal between the eyes. He fell over, dead.

"Henry, distraction does not mean push me out of the tree!" The commander shouted.

"Are you alright Father?" Lucina jumped down, kneeling besides him with a worried frown. 

Robin ran towards Morgan, "Oh thank Gods…"

He untied her, and pulled her into a tight hug. 

"Nice shot Tharja!" Henry laughed, hanging upside down. Tharja climbed out of the tree without answering. 

"Papa!" Morgan smiled, hugging him back, "I can't believe… I actually thought you were going too-!" 

She teared up, and Robin laughed. 

"I would never do that Sweetie, are you okay?" 

"I'm fine," his daughter replied, "Wrists are a little sore, but that's it." 

"He can't have been the only guy here," Tharja scowled. 

"He wasn't," Morgan shook her head. 

"Then where…" 

"They would've heard the gunshot, but it'll take them a short while to get here," she interrupted Lucina. 

"Then let's get out of here," Robin stood up, taking her hand and gripping it tightly. Chrom stood up, muttering something rude to Henry, who just laughed. 

"Hurry!" Morgan prompted, looking around nervously. They heard footsteps, which encouraged the group to start running back to Robin's car. 

They climbed into a car just as the other Grimleal came into sight. 

"Step on it!" Tharja exclaimed, scowling. 

"Give me a minute!" Robin retorted, fumbling for his keys. 

"We don't have a minute!" The ravenette retorted, scowling. 

The car roared to life, and he stepped on the gas pedal. They sped off, and a collective sigh of relief filled the vehicle. 

A Force to be Reckoned With (FE:A Modern/Gang Chrobin AU)Where stories live. Discover now