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okay, so this focuses on damon and river's friendship and how they met. river is the same age as Stefan (just a days younger)
so that makes Damon 7 years older than her. remember back then, the age limit for dating was COMPLETELY different and it wasn't weird. anyway, lmk what you think

He threw the keys into my lap and closed the door, then walked over to a blue car and got in. I huffed and started my own vehicle. Was I really going to do this? I really have nothing against Damon. He was one of my best friends as well. We grew apart after he and Stefan fell out.

I followed him to a cobblestone home, which looked grand up close. There was a porch made out of the same stone and a red door. The driveway was concrete and surrounded by trees. It was mysterious, just like the Salvatores. I parked and took the keys out before joining Damon by the door.

I was now standing in the kitchen, watching as Damon poured a glass of bourbon and held it out. I shook my head. "Are you still a wine girl?" He smirked. "No, I just-" I paused. He looked at me expectantly. I sighed and accepted the glass. We walked into the living room and sat down. "So what happened to you? You fell off the face of the Earth and now you're back? A hundred and 43 years later?!" Damon glared. Great. He's pissed.

"I was actually with Stefan until 1922. Then I, quote-unquote, 'fell off the face of the Earth.' You can thank him for that." I raised the glass to my lips and watched Damon's face fall in confusion. "You never thought to find me?" He cocked an eyebrow sassily. "No offense, Damon, but I was heartbroken and didn't want to have a run-in with you if you and Stefan ever made up." I snapped. "What happened between you two?" He pushed. "He pushed me away and I broke a promise. Do you really want me to go in-depth?" I glared. He nodded. That was sarcasm.

I answered anyway.


It was supposed to be another night of dancing, feeding, and laughter with my boyfriend Stefan Salvatore. Well, not an official boyfriend. We were reserved for one another but not dating. I stood with Stefan in Gloria's bar. His humanity was off so he didn't feel anything for me, but I stayed anyway. He used to tell me to do so. "Always stay by my side, my love. Never leave me." He used to whisper. Now he couldn't care less.

He reached to grab a glass of champagne when it was suddenly snatched from him. "Please, help yourself." He scowled. A lady with crisp blonde hair and blue eyes, along with pearls hanging from her neck to make them stand out more, looked back at us. Her hair was in a low bun and placed to the side of the back of her head. "Oh, I always do." She walked closer to Stefan. "Careful, Mr. Salvatore. You're still wearing your date. She's lovely."

She knows? "Who are you?" I asked. She placed a finger on her lips and backed away. I looked at my friend and we joined a group of men. I didn't pay much attention to them though.

Anyway, fast-forwarding to when Stefan and I were happily feeding and Rebekah threw me off. Stefan smirked and I stood up. "Move it, blondie," I advised. "Make me. I'm sure you'd like to deal with the consequences." Rebekah smiled wickedly. "Funny how you think I care."

"Oh please, River. Stop being such a snob." Stefan chuckled, wiping his mouth. Okay, that hurt. "Just sit and eat like you always do, Stefan." I glared. "Why don't you leave me alone for once?" He retorted. My breath was caught in my throat. "I promised." I choked. "Yeah, well you are a bit annoying now so back off. At least this lady has some common sense." He looked at Rebekah. "You're going to pick her over me, Stefan?"

"Any day."

I have to admit, that felt like a stake in the heart. I wish I was like Lexi. I wish I could control him and not feel bad when he lashes out. But I'm not and I'm still hurt. "Leave. You're not wanted anymore obviously." The blonde smirked. Before I knew what I was doing, my hand rose and swung across Rebekah's cheek. A red mark was left behind. "Go, River." Stefan shooed angrily. "Fine, Stefan. I hope the quickie with a stranger is worth years of friendship." I turned and left the bar, my heart hurting with each stride towards the door.


"So he pushed you away when his humanity off and he didn't know what he was doing? You still left? He didn't mean any of that, River." Damon nearly laughed. "I know that. I knew that. He was my Katherine, Damon. You have to understand I would have done anything for him and he abandoned me for a blonde in a bar." I placed the now finished glass on the table next to me. "No, I remember you and him. I know. I was ridiculously jealous." He stared down at his glass. "What do you mean?"


Damon's POV

The first time I saw River, she was 14 and sneaking around the town's square. She wasn't accompanied by anyone, making me shiver with horrible thoughts the future could hold. Her brown wavy hair was tied back into a bun and she fiddled with her white gloves all females had to wear. A woman grabbed her shoulder and she looked up at her. "Sorry, momma." I saw her mouth.

The girl's eyes gleamed a honey hue in the golden sunset that fell upon the dirt and patches of grass. The overwhelming smell of smoke and wood was filling the air and I watched as she got back into her carriage. Her head slowly turned towards me and she smiled and waved. I noticed her dimples and the way her eyes were barely noticeable with her smile. Her father scolded her for such an act, but I nodded back and raised my hand.

The first time Stefan and River snuck behind the house was the first time I met her. 1861. I remember the grass crunching under my boots and staring down at the deadness of it. What did I say to her? She was beautiful, to say the least. She couldn't possibly be Stefan's age (15), could she? I stopped in front of the two. The girl and my brother were play arguing and didn't quite notice me yet. "You're the one who stepped on my heel, Ms. Ambrose." Stefan teased. "Well, Stefan, if you weren't so slow, maybe I wouldn't have stepped on it." She sassed back. "Nonsense, I'm not as slow as you."

I cleared my throat and they turned towards me. Their faces flushed, scared of the consequences of being caught in the backyard together and unattended. Mr. Ambrose, who I assume was this girl's father, was a harsh man. He was known to have high standards and strong rules. "Damon, I-" Stefan began. "Aren't you going to introduce me to your friend, Stef?" I smiled and took a bow. They let out a sigh of relief and she curtsied back with a slight smile on her face. "River, this is my brother Damon. Damon, this is my friend River Ambrose." Stefan introduced. "Nice to meet you, River Ambrose." I mocked Stefan. She laughed. It was light and short but seemed like the most beautiful thing I'd ever hear. "Nice to meet you, Damon."

River stuck around ever since. Once in awhile, we'd have time alone while Stefan snuck snacks from the kitchen. I'd tease her and she'd do the same back, but Stefan always returned. I didn't expect him to do otherwise.

I'd watch Stefan and River sneak into the woods and one day followed them. They were sitting on the roots that were above ground, which were right next to an oak tree. Stefan scribbled an "S.S" and she'd do an "R.A" next to it. I frowned. I wanted to do that. I wanted someone to do that with.

River's cheeks rose when she smiled, making her all the more beautiful. Beautiful? No, never. She is 16. I shook my head at my own thoughts and ambled across the wet leaves back into the town.


"You were there when we signed the tree?" I gasped, remembering the rainy day. "Yep. I watched you sign the tree, argue with your mother about the bruises on the apples,"

I smiled at the memory. My mother and I had been admiring the apples we received when she noticed a few bruises. I told her it was still edible and she tried to send it back. I tried my best not to scowl at her childish behavior, knowing my father would likely be pissed about me acting up and take it out on Mallory, Tobiah (tow-bye-ah) and I.

"I remember when you waved at me in the town square. Ugh, I thought I was royalty. I bragged to Mallory about it for months." I chuckled. "Well, I was still handsome," Damon said with a grin. "Still a cocky asshole, hm? So what's going on with this whole 'Elena' girl? How do you know the doppelgänger?" I sat back in my chair. "I'll grab some more bourbon." He sighed and got up, getting ready to prepare me for what I assume is a long story.

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