I've been in the car for ages. Klaus began calling and I had to tell him to calm his shit because I had no idea what was going on inside. Then I got a text saying they were going to go to the car so I sped to the Salvatore House again and stormed downstairs. "They're going all over hell's creation!" I shouted. "Calm down, love, what's going on?" Klaus asked. "I don't even know! I'm pissed. I'm waiting for a text from Stefan." I told him.
"I'm gonna grab a blood bag and find Kol. Whoever he goes around is in danger. I-" I began pacing. Damon cut me off. "Are you snorting crack? You aren't going near him. Not alone. Klaus?" Damon looked at the Original. "I'm with him on this one." He agreed. "That's nice. I trust Stefan will get there in time. I'll be fine. Bottom drawer under the wood. I'll see you later." I told Damon. They looked confused as I sped away.
The door to the Gilbert Home opened before I reached to knock. I faced Kol, who was surprisingly not covered in blood. "I'll take your request for a truce under advisement." He told Elena. "Nice to see you, River. Looking a bit tired, aren't you? Have a good day." He told me, walking outside. I walked in and shut the door. "There's no way a Mikaelson is that calm, Elena. He'll come back. Go." I whispered.
Jeremy came back with a gun and wooden bullets. "Happen to have another one?" I asked. He nodded and took another gun from his waistband. "Good. Now go. Go!" I ordered. They ran to hide and the doorbell rang. "Who is it?" I yelled. He opened the door. "I've considered your friend's request for a truce. Request denied." Kol smirked. I shot him a few times before speeding upstairs. "Hide and seek? Fine by me." He said.
I went into the hallway. They were in here somewhere. I sped into the bathroom and saw Elena and Jeremy. "You hid together? God, we need to have a talk." I mumbled. The door crashed in front of us. Jeremy and I shot together. Kol caught the bullets. "Jeremy, go," I told him. He ran off and Kol stayed with us. Kol threw one of the bullets, hitting Elena in the thigh, and she cried out. He threw the other one at me nut missed and ran. "I'll be back Elena," I promised, running after him.
Jeremy was running through the hallway when Kol appeared in front of him and punched him. Kol threw Jeremy down the stairs and I blocked him so maybe Jeremy could linger away. He didn't. Kol and I were pushing and pulling against each other. He threw me against a wall and took the gun, then stabbed it into my side. I groaned in pain and yanked it out quickly.
Elena jumped on Kol's back, but he tossed her against the wall as well. He ripped out one of the posts from the railing and impaled Elena through the abdomen, pinning her to the wall. She gasped in shock and pain, completely immobilized. Kol began walking over to Jeremy, who was still grunting in pain on the stair landing.
"Kol, I swear to God!" I shouted, dragging myself to the staircase. I took out my phone and texted Klaus. I fucking hate your brother. I got up and ignored the pain, then sped downstairs and saw Jeremy tied down on the kitchen counter. I grabbed the butcher knife from Kol and stabbed it into his stomach and threw him at the wall, then sliced the restraints off Jeremy. He grabbed the spraying faucet from the kitchen sink and sprayed Kol with the vervain water. Elena took the white oak stake from Jeremy's pocket and threw it at him. "Jeremy, now!" I yelled. He stabbed Kol in the heart and he screamed, bursting into flames.
We panted, trying to catch our breath when we heard angry panting at the doorway. "What did you do?" Klaus yelled. "He was going to kill Jeremy, Klaus!" I told him calmly. "Lies! He never would've gotten inside if you hadn't have set a trap for him." His veins were popping out with the anger taking over. "You said you were going to put him down too." Elena excused. "I was going to make him suffer on my terms! I'm going to burn this house to the ground. And then, when you try to flee for your lives, I'll kill you three without blinking." Klaus swore. "You kill us, you'll never get to the cure. You'll never be able to make any more hybrids." Jeremy said.
"You really think I care for an instant about my bloody hybrids? I want the cure so I can destroy it. I would've killed you all the second we dug it up, but now I'm just gonna watch you burn instead." He threatened. He then fell to the ground, clutching his head and crying out before falling to his knees. Bonnie walked in past him. "Invite him in and run to the living room." She instructed. "Come in," Jeremy said. Elena grabbed her brother and sped through the living room and into the kitchen. I hesitated and Bonnie nodded so I left. Klaus followed us, but he couldn't get into the kitchen. He punched at the air, but there was an invisible barrier. Jeremy pulled the white oak stake out of Kol, and he and Elena run to the door while Klaus continued to pound on the barrier. "Witch, you can't do this to me," Klaus said.
"You have no idea what I can do now." Bonnie walked out. "I will hunt all of you to your end! Do you hear me? Do you!?" He screamed as they left. He took deep breaths in and out. "Done yet?" I asked him. "You're dead when I get out of here, do you hear me?" He glared. "You've already said that like two times." I rolled my eyes and got a glass of water, then scooted it through the barrier, using a broken piece of wood. "Bye, Nik." I walked away.

𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐲 | 𝐭𝐯𝐝
VampireRiver returns to Mystic Falls after more than a hundred years later. When she is kidnapped, it would only make her life turn for the better. This story includes vulgar language, murder, and mentions of suicide or suicidal thoughts. #1 damonsalvator...