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"Come on! Just a little longer. I'm sure you're father can't be that much of a bother."

It was cold and wet. Rain was pouring down over us. He was twirling in the water, laughing. I was soaked but didn't mind. I never did. "He'll have my head on a spear!" I replied, grabbing his hands. He held them up and moved closer so our body heat was radiating. "Just a little longer?" He frowned. "Stefan..."

"Just don't think. Live right here, right now." He released our hands and pulled me in by the waist. I cupped my hands around his cheeks and kissed him. "A few more minutes." I caved. A smile took over his sculpted face and he twirled me around. "You can stay the night at my house. It'll be warm and you and I can..." He spun me around so my back was pressed to his chest. He held my stomach lightly and moved in close to my ear. "...well, do whatever we want." He finished. I looked at him. A very convincing deal.

"You're going to be the death of my, Mr. Salvatore," I muttered. "Yes, well, you've already killed me, Ms. Ambrose."

"How original," I smirked. He was stunned. I took this time to get out of his grip and splash him with the water. His jaw dropped and he began running. I squealed and ran into the field.

We collapsed into the grass. "Ready to go?" Stefan suddenly asked. I nodded and stood up. He held out his arm and we began walking. "Mother and Father are asleep. We'll be able to sneak in. I'll set up a nice shower for you." He told me. I smiled at him. "That'd be lovely."


I was sitting in Stefan's room, fiddling with my fingers while wearing one of his shirts, which was large on me, and waiting for him to finish his shower. The door crept open and revealed black hair. I stopped breathing for a moment, not recognizing the man until Damon peeked his eyes around the corner. "You scared me!" I sighed. "Well, it's not like I was expecting you to be in my brother's room." He whispered, walking in and shutting the door. He leaned against the wall and looked at my shirt. "I see you're cozy," Damon smirked. My cheeks flushed. "Relax, Ms. Ambrose. It's not like it's the first time you've snuck in." He stifled a laugh.

"I know it's not that, it's just--"

The door swung open. Stefan walked in and looked at Damon and then at me. "She's all the way over there, pretty boy." Damon teased his brother. He sighed and walked over to his dresser. "It isn't that, brother." He lifted a shirt over his head. Damon crinkled his eyebrows in confusion. Stefan was referencing to Katherine, wasn't he? Why isn't he saying anything? He hasn't mentioned her in weeks. "Tired, River?" Damon asked. I looked up. "Hm?"

"You just stared at nothing. Like you weren't thinking straight or just...not here." Stefan told me. "Just tired, I suppose," I said lowly. "Get some sleep." Damon walked towards the door. "And don't make too much noise." He quickly rushed out of the room. I hid my face in my hands.


"What are you doing in here?"

I heard Stefan ask someone else. My eyes were still screwed shut and I listened. "Have you noticed how she cries in her sleep sometimes?" Another person questioned, changing the topic. It was Damon's voice. "Yeah, of course. Should we wake her?"

"Wake her and she'll probably smack you," I mumbled, opening my eyes and smiling. "Eavesdropper!" Stefan scoffed. "You're the one sitting in a chair, in my room, and watching me!" I exclaimed and sat up. Damon tossed a blood bag at me. "Lookin' a little pale there. I don't feel like carrying you when you're too weak to move because you're blood-starved." He commented. "Gee, thanks." I uncapped the bag and took my bun in my hair out. I stood up and walked to my dresser with the blood bag in my hand. "Well? Drink some." Damon suggested.

"I wouldn't be this pale if you didn't put your hand in my chest, asshole." I grabbed undergarments, a pair of jeans, and a large black shirt, then walked to the closet and began changing. "Oops," Damon replied.

"If it helps any, he made an 'I'm sorry for shoving my hand into your chest and tearing on your heart' breakfast downstairs...I helped." Stefan chuckled. I finished changing and gulped down the blood bag, then walked out. I threw the bag away and began brushing my teeth and hair. I turned to the black-haired man once I was finished. "You made breakfast?"

"Yep." He opened the door. Stefan looked at me with a confused expression. "No makeup? You usually apply something right there and there and there." He began poking different areas of my face. "Are you saying I need makeup, Salvatore?" I raised an eyebrow. "No! Just saying you seem confident when you wear it. Come on, let's eat." He walked out. I walked out behind him and Damon followed. His phone began ringing. Hesitantly, he raised it to his ear.

"Shit. We're on our way."

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