We were driving down a lamp-lit street of New Orleans. The ride was quiet for the most part except for music around us and dancing civilians. We finally parked and I pushed the door open happily and stretched. "It's still beautiful," I whispered, admiring the happy atmosphere. It smelled of brown sugar and popcorn. People were performing on their trumpets and other instruments while others watched or danced. There wasn't a care in the world here in New Orleans.
"It's the same...just brighter." Stefan looked up at the lampposts. "Have you been back here since '42?" Damon asked. "Nope, not since I shipped off to join the war effort and you didn't." Stefan spat. "Somebody had to entertain the ladies who had been left by their menfolk." Damon's phone chimed and he took it out, looking at it. "Hey, good news. Elena is at the house with the girls where she can't get in trouble. Bad news -- I think they got into the Dom. Told her to make herself at home." He warned. "Damn it!" I groaned. "Yeah, you told her so she does, right?" Stefan crossed his arms sassily.
"Sire bond is not that literal, Stefan." Damon denied. "Really? Name one thing that you've asked her to do that you haven't gotten." Stefan turned towards him, his arms crossed as he waited for an answer. "You know what I haven't gotten? Blame, guilt. I get it, Stefan. I get that your pissed that Elena dumped you because she has feelings for me. Bet you blame the sire bond for that, too."
"He absolutely does. Can we get a drink or find this girl now?" I asked. "Why, because it's impossible to think she could have feelings for me?" Damon raised his voice, his eyes wide. "No, because it's impossible for her to be so blind that she doesn't see how wrong you are for her." Stefan raised his voice as well. I nearly gasped. Damon was about to walk away, but I grabbed his arm. "Look at you two! You're letting her get between your bond. You're brothers. She is a girl. Don't let her tear you two apart. Don't let her be another Katherine."
"Damon, I'm sorry." Stefan apologized. "What'd you say?" Damon looked at him.
Lexi and Stefan were walking through the bar, looking for Damon. The bar was filled with uniformed military men.
Stefan rehearsed his apology. " "I'm sorry, I blamed you for my bloodlust and for me becoming a ripper. It wasn't your fault." Do I really have to say it wasn't his fault, Lexi?" He complained. "Yes, keep going." She stood in front of him. " "You're the only brother I have and I hope that we can be friends again." " He completed. "Perfect. Now, just remember we're here to talk to Damon, not to yell, not to drudge up the past and most definitely not to pick a fight." She instructed. "That's the real trick, isn't it?" He looked over her shoulder to try to spot his brother.
"You've spent the last twenty years turning your life around. It's time to make nice with your brother. River would want this. Come on."
They found Damon sitting at the bar, dressed in a suit. Stefan eagerly went to talk to him. Damon was bobbing his head to the music and Stefan gave him a light slap on the back. Damon turned, surprised to see that it was his brother. "You look like a guy I used to know." He smiled. "Hello, Damon.""Come to put a stake in my heart?" Damon questioned. "More like bury the hatchet." Stefan held his hand out for Damon to shake. Damon looked at his brother and they gave a small smile to each other while he shook his brother's hand and the two hugged.
Lexi, Stefan, and Damon were all sitting at the bar. Stefan was telling Damon some stories. "Egypt, ha! Finally gonna get to see the pyramids." He exclaimed. "Oh, I doubt I'll be doing much sightseeing. Driving an ambulance through the front lines, but yeah, yeah, Egypt." Stefan laughed. "Think they have room for another driver? I could handle some war if it meant spending quality time with my little brother." Damon nudged Stefan's arm. Lexi took a shot of her drink, not happy at Damon's words. "Tell you what, I'll talk to my CO," Stefan said. "Hey, how's River, by the way? I thought you two would still be together." Damon asked.
Stefan hesitated. River was a sensitive topic and one of the very reasons he was trying to better himself. "We got in an argument about twenty years ago. She fled and I haven't seen her since." He explained. He took a swig of his drink and got up. "I'm gonna get us another round."
Lexi told Damon he shouldn't go, telling him he wasn't good enough for Stefan and he should just leave it. When Stefan returned, she put on a smile and pretended nothing happened. He passed out the glasses of alcohol and raised his. "To the Salvatores in Eygpt!" He toasted.
He and Damon clinked glasses and say a "Cheers", then he and Lexi did the same. Lexi stared at Damon while doing so and he glanced at her. Charlotte then walked up to the trio, with a victim in her arms."Damon. Did you forget you were supposed to meet us for dinner?" She purred, holding the man up victoriously. "Sorry, I lost track of time." Damon stuttered. "I brought you leftovers." She let Damon see the victim's neck, which was smeared with blood. "Charlotte!" He whispered loudly.
He looked around to see if anyone had taken notice. Charlotte then handed off the lady to Stefan and the blood got on his hand. Damon took the lady from Stefan's arms. "Get away from him!" Lexi warned Damon angrily."Stefan! Stefan..." Damon put his hand on Stefan's back. Stefan stared at his bloody fingers. "I -- I --" He tripped over his words, in a trance from the liquid covering his palms. "Stefan?"
Dark veins appeared on Stefan's face and Lexi grabbed Stefan, ready to leave the bar. "Stefan. Lexi please," Damon begged.
She turned to Damon before leaving. "She's better off without you too." She glanced at Charlotte and walked out.---
"I apologize, all right? As much as I hate this sire bond thing, I shouldn't take it out on you. It's not really your fault." Stefan repeated. I walked next to him. We were in a small line, all beside each other while walking through the crowd. A few people tried to dance with me, making me smile, but I'd always have to catch up after the first twirl.
We stopped in front of an apartment. "This is where the witch lived," Damon told us. "What, you weren't expecting to find the same exact witch in the same place?"
"No, but since I couldn't remember where the store was, figured it'd give us a start." He sighed. "Maybe there's another place to start. You think Charlotte might be in New Orleans?" I asked. He nodded. "Great, where was the last place you saw her?"
"Corner of Bourbon and Dumaine. Kind of told her to count every brick in every building in New Orleans, and I'd meet her at the corner... I was gone by morning." He told me. "Great, we're going to that corner." I grabbed Stefan's arm and pulled him playfully towards the Corner of Bourbon and Dumaine.

𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐲 | 𝐭𝐯𝐝
VampireRiver returns to Mystic Falls after more than a hundred years later. When she is kidnapped, it would only make her life turn for the better. This story includes vulgar language, murder, and mentions of suicide or suicidal thoughts. #1 damonsalvator...