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sorry for the late update <3
"So, what's with the home invasion?" Klaus asked the Salvatore. "Damon said you knew something about this guy. Now, I should have figured out that you were up to something when you healed Elena from the werewolf poison without asking for anything in return." Stefan placed his hand on his hip. "I was feeling benevolent." Klaus excused. I broke out into laughter. "You? Benevolent?" I tried to catch my breath. "Okay, so what, specifically, is the Five? Who is this guy? It's a good thing I have nothing to do today, except get answers out of you." Stefan sat down.

"Fine. You might actually be useful in persuading my sister to cooperate." Klaus extended his arm towards the chair next to Stefan's, inviting me to sit. I cooperated and sat down, not even blinking in my friend's direction. "The brotherhood of the Five was a group of highly skilled vampire hunters. We crossed paths with them in 12th century Italy. My siblings and I had followed the Normans as they conquered the South. Feeding, turning people as we went." Klaus began.
< flashback: Italy 1114 >

Klaus and Elijah were walking into the Town's Square, confused about the racket they heard from afar. A man was on a stage with an audience surrounding him. There were several people tied up to wooden poles and staked through the chest beside him. "These demons live among you. Passing as human." The man announced. Everyone gasped.

Klaus and Elijah stopped in the middle of the square and watched what is going on. The man, Alexander, approached a box on the stage.
"So, witness with your own eyes." He unlocked the box. A man stepped out of the object and started to burn. The man was set ablaze and the crowd screamed in fear as the man burns to death. Alexander walked down from the stage, a grin on his face. "He's putting on quite the show," Elijah whispered to his brother.

"He is nothing. I could eat him for sport." Klaus shrugged. "Still you should heed the warning. Between you here and Kol in the east, you have not been discreet. Stories of the Original vampires are spreading." His brother warned. "I welcome such infamy, but if you're worried about discretion, perhaps you should wrangle our sister."

Rebekah and Alexander stood together nearby. Alexander kissed her hand and she smiled. They walked away together, arm in arm.

"So these hunters have been around for nine hundred years?" Stefan wondered. "Apparently. Though our friend in the other room is the first I've seen since then." Klaus replied. "Kind of makes you wonder what they've been up to all these years," I muttered. What were they up to?

"Exactly." Klaus smiled. "And Rebekah had a thing with one of them?" Stefan recapped. "Oh, she didn't just have a thing. She fell in love with him. He told her all his secrets. Which I will gladly share with you provided you do one thing for me.
Get Rebekah over here. She's being stubborn and hateful. I need to make peace with her. I want her to give me some very important information about the hunter which she won't do unless she believes we've made up." Klaus got up and Stefan and I did the same. "And what's in it for me?" The blonde asked. "Just get her here and I'll tell you. Oh, and Stefan, trust me when I say this; that hunter in there holds the answer to all your prayers."

Stefan walked towards the door. He looked back at me, but I refused to face him. I can't depend on him. I can't act like I wasn't hurting for a lifetime. His face flushed with hurt before he walked out and a wave of guilt swallowed me. I was pushing him away, just like he had done so many years ago. "Well then. Are you thirsty?" Klaus asked, amused.

We walked into his living area and he poured a glass of champagne and the "finest wine" from his collection. I thanked him and we resumed our places on the chairs in his living area. "I'm glad you stayed if that counts as anything." Klaus beamed. "It actually does, Nik. So where have you been?"

"New Orleans mostly. I've been trying to stay alive." He shifted uncomfortably. "As one does. Have you gone to the best museums as you hoped? I know because you told me when you were had a bit too much alcohol." I explained. "A few. I like your hair, River. It's changed. It's better." He changed the subject. "Thank you. I'm glad you cut down on all the grease in your hair. Ugh, it was horrifying." I laughed. "I can agree with that. Are you leaving anytime soon?"

"Maybe. I still have places to see and people to eat. I'd like to visit England again. I like the fields there." I smiled at the thought. "I hope you enjoy it then. Would you ever visit New Orleans?" He questioned. "No, I don't believe so. I heard it's not...welcoming, to other vampires. I'd rather see more interesting places." I sighed. "Oh. You're closed off, aren't you? Your muscles are tense. Uncomfortable, sweetheart?" He smirked. "Sorry, I'm not used to sitting with an Original vampire who has enough willpower to tear out my own tongue if I say the wrong thing, so excuse me if I'm a little skittish. You get it to don't you with all of the enemies on your back?" I remarked.

He glared. Chains began rattling in the room beside us. I got up and walked away from the troubled Mikaelson. I looked at Connor and soon felt Klaus's presence behind me. "You feeling alright, mate? Are the shackles too tight? Welcome home, sister." He turned around. Rebekah and Stefan stood in the doorway. "Is this a trick? How do you know he's one of the Five? Where's his bloody tattoo?" She questioned. "You can't see it. Duh." I scoffed. We exchanged glances and Klaus clapped his hands. "Let's eat."

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