I feel like I let you guys down because I take so long to update, please let me know if you don't mind waiting or would like shorter chapters with quicker updates.
-"You're wrong, I watched Kol impale him." Rebekah denied. Well, you probably shouldn't have left him alone. Bonnie did a little spell. He's perfectly fine." Stefan said. "You didn't have to tell me that. Why am I really here?" The blonde asked, shocked by the information she was given. "You were right. I'm going to be here for an eternity, and I will go insane if I don't know how Elena truly feels about my brother." Stefan sighed.
"Well, if you really want the cure, you should know that Shane has an agenda, and it's a dark one. He said he organized dozens of people to die in sacrifice, he admitted to the council explosion where twelve people died, and I'm guessing it's not a coincidence that twelve hybrids died at the hand of my brother." Rebekah tsked. I shuddered thinking of the thought. I didn't want to think of Klaus.
"Yeah and traumatized River in the process. Twelve...channeling the energy from mass death is used in witchcraft to perform dark spells. It's called Expression. Shane admitted all this to you?" Stefan asked. "Proudly."
"Well, then, I guess we'll have to figure out how to manage him while we find the cure for ourselves." Stefan handed the glass of bourbon he poured to Rebekah. "We? There is no 'we," Stefan." She denied. "Listen, I hate my brother, and you hate yours. But Damon's got Jeremy, Klaus has the sword, and Shane has Bonnie. You, River, and I are the only ones left with nothing. You said it yourself, right? Whoever finds the cure first gets to decide what to do with it. So what do you say? You wanna be partners?" He asked.
-She's in. I was asleep when someone grabbed my arm and yanked me from my sheets. I screeched and sat up. "Rebekah!" I yelled. "Get up, we have things to discuss." She crossed her arms. I scoffed and stood up. I looked in the mirror and almost gagged at my reflection. Gross. I grabbed an outfit and walked to the bathroom to shower. Rebekah sat on my bed and began talking.
"I have a plan. The cure is buried with Silas, that ancient evil guy my brother Kol is afraid of." Rebekah said. "Silas...cute name, too bD he is worse than Klaus." I sighed. He has to be worse if an Original is scared of him. "Shane was so eager to prove his existence that he gave away that he has one of the keys to resurrecting him, his headstone." Rebekah continued. "So you wanna steal it? I'm down." I agreed. "Then Team Shane will have to join Team Rebekah, and Team Klaus will be left out in the cold where he belongs."
Team Rebekah? When...? I decided not to question it. "Okay. Does Stefan know?" I rinsed the shampoo out of my hair. "Nope, hurry up. We'll wake him when you're ready." I heard Rebekah get up and walk to the door.
I finished showering and doing my hair, then I got dressed and did my makeup. I was too tired for anything spectacular so didn't do much. I walked around the hallway and walked up to Stefan's room. Rebekah was already talking to him. "He's in!" She chirped, clapping her hands together. Her face dropped. "Let's go. Get dressed Stefan, you can't steal with a towel around your waist." She instructed. I walked out and went to the kitchen. Never commit a crime on an empty stomach.

𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐲 | 𝐭𝐯𝐝
VampireRiver returns to Mystic Falls after more than a hundred years later. When she is kidnapped, it would only make her life turn for the better. This story includes vulgar language, murder, and mentions of suicide or suicidal thoughts. #1 damonsalvator...