I walked in and saw Elena and Damon hugging. "Break it up. Stefan's on his way." I said rather harshly than I preferred. "Hey, thank you for uh, helping me over there," Jeremy spoke, looking up from his arms. "You're welcome." I uncapped the bottle of bourbon and walked towards the stairs. "Where are you going?" Damon frowned. "To drown myself in either whiskey or the bathtub. Let me know if anything happens." I yawned and went to my room. Not five minutes later did I hear, "River!"
I ran downstairs and saw Stefan with the headstone. I put the bottle on the table beside me and walked over to it. "Damn, how'd you get Rebekah to hand it over? Your charm?" I teased. "She's on our side," Stefan told me. "Wait, so you didn't dagger her?"
"She handed over the headstone. I mean, she wants to find this cure more than any of us." Stefan shrugged. "Let me guess, she pledged her allegiance to you while you were naked in the sack?" Damon commented. "Damon!" I yelled. "I bet you were just dying to get that out, weren't you, Damon?" Stefan stepped forward. "Oh, was that supposed to be a secret? Maybe you should have made that a little clear while you were bleeding me dry in our cellar."
"Yeah, to keep you from killing Jeremy." I shot back. "Stop it, all of you," Elena instructed. "Now, why don't you tell her to calm down, Damon? You've managed to use that sire bond pretty well so far, haven't you?" Stefan smirked. I backed out of the way, knowing what would happen next. Damon flung himself on Stefan and punched him. Stefan threw him off and was about to punch him when Jeremy began yelling. "It's happening." He shouted.
The guys stopped. I looked at his arms. The map began showing. "Holy shit," I muttered. "You can see it?" He asked. We nodded. "Here we go."
-I was hot, paranoid, and felt at least 20 bugs go in my ear by the time we reached the island. I swatted at my ears constantly. The group contained Shane, Stefan, Damon, Jeremy, Bonnie, Rebekah, and Elena. We unloaded the boat and took breaks, all separated from each other. Damon was sharpening a knife and Rebekah and Stefan were tying ropes...well Stefan was. Rebekah watched. Elena walked around like a chicken with her head cut off.
Well, that chicken decided to walk in front of Stefan and his girlfriend. They got in an argument and Elena tackled Rebekah. Quite entertaining, really. Not to Stefan. Rebekah flipped the two. "Go ahead, try and kill me. But then you'd have to face your real problems. Like the fact that Stefan invited me here, himself. I guess he likes me again." The blonde retorted. Rebekah walked away and Stefan offered to help Elena up, who denied and walked away from him as well.
I walked up to Stefan. "That was fun." I chuckled. He rolled his eyes. I began tying the rope with him. "Fun to spectate but not to be in the middle of it." He mumbled. "Yeah well, they're both dumbasses fighting over a guy like it's still high school...oh wait, Elena! Should have expected it, to be honest." I shrugged.
"Whatever, River." He finished up and everyone walked towards us. "These symbols must have been left for the hunters, so they can find the cure. And this must be the story of Qetsiyah and Silas. According to Shane, Silas asked Qetsiyah for help making a spell for immortality. She helped make him immortal, only to learn that he planned to use the same spell on another woman, not her. When she found out, she freaked. Qetsiyah killed the other woman. Silas was immortal. She couldn't kill him. So she trapped him in a cave, and buried him alive instead." Bonnie explained. "Qetsiyah created a cure for immortality, and then she buried it with Silas, hoping that he'd take it and die, and end up on the other side with her for all eternity. But he wouldn't give her the satisfaction. So, many centuries later, her descendants created the hunters to find him, cure him and kill him. You know what? I'll explain it on the hike. Come on. We gotta get going." Shane waved us all forward.

𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐲 | 𝐭𝐯𝐝
VampireRiver returns to Mystic Falls after more than a hundred years later. When she is kidnapped, it would only make her life turn for the better. This story includes vulgar language, murder, and mentions of suicide or suicidal thoughts. #1 damonsalvator...