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hey guys, im just like HELLA sick but i can still slowly update.
Stefan's phone began ringing. Rebekah answered it for him. "Elena! What a surprise!" She greeted sarcastically. "What did you do to Stefan?" Elena asked. "Rescued him from his old, dull life, but it keeps calling. Stefan's not in the mood to talk right now." She looked up at the blonde vampire. "Then he can listen. I know you might not care about me right now, Stefan, but Kol compelled Damon to kill Jeremy, no matter what happens. They're somewhere in the tunnels, and it's one giant maze down here, and I can't find them, so if you still care about the cure or about Jeremy, then maybe you can come help." Elena told him.

After he didn't answer, I groaned. "I'll be there in a bit. Be careful." I told her. She hung up and I looked at the two. "I swear to God, Rebekah." I hissed before speeding off towards the tunnels.

I could smell blood. Did he already reach Jeremy? I sped towards the trail and saw Damon, unconscious on the ground.

No matter what.

He could kill me right now. But is he okay? I slowly approached him and noticed his wound healing and he began regaining consciousness. "River, run!" He told me. I sped through the forest and towards Jeremy. "Jeremy, keep running!" I told him, ending up right behind him. Damon ran towards me and threw me towards a tree, impaling me with a branch. "I'm sorry, River." His eyes watered as he walked towards me. He jumped onto the branch and moved the splinters closer and closer to my heart. "River, stop me!" He yelled.

"Damon, please!" I cried, trying t shove him off. I couldn't move or I'd risk having chips in my heart. Damon flew off of me and I saw Stefan snap his neck before slowly removing me from the branch. I gasped for air and began coughing. Elena ran up behind us and saw Jeremy, safe and sound. "Thank you." She mouthed, walking up to her brother.

Stefan laid me down on the grass but had my head propped up on his knees. He began removing the splinters and watched Jeremy and Elena leave us. "You could've died, River," Stefan whispered. "I know, but Jeremy would have been okay," I muttered. "That's---You can't put yourself in danger like this. Not anymore, not without me."

"What, I'm on suicide watch?" I pouted. He nodded. "You're not leaving me that quick, Riv."

I rolled my eyes. "Fine, you're stuck with me."


We went back to the Salvatore House and dragged Damon into the cellar. I went upstairs and let Stefan talk with his brother. Elena was about to walk down. "Woah woah woah woah, no ma'am. You aren't going down there. You're sired and won't have a choice but to let him out, making you his main target for a one-way ticket out of cellar town." I told her. Stefan came up behind me. "Stefan, what are you doing with Rebekah? She tried to kill me." Elena asked.

"And this will be the second time that Damon tried to kill Jeremy. So I guess nobody's perfect, right?" He glared. I took the wooden stake from his hand. "Best if you don't have a weapon when your upset," I mumbled. "Are you trying to punish me? I don't know how many times I can apologize." Elena sighed. "I never asked you to. You can do whatever you want, Elena. I really don't care."

"You're hurt. You're hurt, and you're acting out. Stefan, this isn't you." Elena whined. "Sure it is. You've just never seen me like this. You don't know what I look like when I'm not in love with you." Stefan smiled at Elena's shocked reaction. My jaw dropped and a smile slowly spread across my face. I slapped my cheek and cupped my hand over my mouth. "I'll let Damon know you stopped by." Stefan extended his arm towards the door.

Once Elena left I gasped and high fived him. "Hell yeah, bitch!" I applauded. Stefan laughed. "You're such an asshole." He rolled his eyes. "I'm gonna go see Rebekah. Uh, make yourself at home." Stefan told me. "Oh god, just don't bring her home naked." I rolled my eyes. He threw something at me and I dodged it. "Bye!" I yelled as he slammed the door shut.

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