slight smut
-The warm, metallic yet sweet flavor of human blood slid down my throat. I was sitting on a chair in a bar full of compelled citizens with Stefan Salvatore, who was on the other side of the neck of this victim. He pulled back and looked at me with a smirk and a sense of lust. I slowly pulled away from the neck and went to wipe any access blood, when Stefan flashed to stand in between my legs. He gently took my wrist into his hand and used his other thumb to wipe away the blood. "Always the messy eater, my love." He whispered. He raised his thumb to his mouth and sucked the blood off. Not being able to handle the temptation any longer, I used my spare hand to push his head towards my own.
Our lips collided and all that was shared was love and lust. He pulled my thighs around his waist and picked me up. My fingers tangled into his hair and he nearly did the same. This time, he gently pulled my head back and began leaving rough kisses on my neck. I felt him walk and I was suddenly sat on a counter in the kitchen, which was full of blood and our meals.
He pushed my bra straps down and expertly unlatched it under my shirt. I threw it off and he pushed me down on the cold surface. He began leaving wet trails of where his lips used to be on my collarbones, my shoulders and inched down. I let out a small gasp as he took one of my breasts into his hands and massaged it while sucking on the other.
The sound of creaking startled both he and I. We sat up immediately and I covered with my shirt. He got up and looked around when a head peeked around the corner and screamed. Stefan sped over to the source and I heard as he sunk his fangs into the person's neck. I let out a sigh of relief that it wasn't a bigger issue, then put my bra back on. The mood was ruined.
Stefan walked back out. "You forgot one, Riv." He smirked. "Obviously, Stef. I would've killed her had I known her heart was still bloody beating." I scoffed. "You'd be a lot more fun if you just flipped the switch." He said teasingly. I knew he was serious though. "Never gonna happen. Come on, I'm sure there are better places to be right now." I jumped off the counter and walked out of the kitchen.
-"Daydreaming and drinking. What a poor mixture, hm?" I was now in the Mystic Grill, swirling my little umbrella around my drink. I looked up from the alcohol and saw Klaus, sitting next to me. "Daydreaming is better than this world, Niklaus, so I suggest don't pull me out of it next time," I muttered. "Feisty. Fine then. Mind if I join you? Of course, you don't." Klaus smiled. He ordered a drink and looked back at me. "What were you in your mind about anyway, darling?" He questioned.
"Nothing. None of your concern anyway. What are you doing here?" I raised the cold glass to my lips. He looked over to his right and I peeked over his shoulder to see Rebekah and Matt talking. "Oh. Well, it doesn't seem like that's going well." I chuckled. "Yes, my sister happens to have taken a liking to Matt over there. Speaking of delusional love interests, how is Stefan this lovely morning?"
"You'll lucky you're a hybrid or I'd be slapping the shit out of you right now. He is just fine, thank you very much. Can we not talk about the Salvatores, Nik?" I put my head in my hands, my head pounding from arguing with the Mikaelson and drinking at the same time. He went quiet and I looked back at him. "You alright?" I frowned. He smiled. "You called me Nik. You haven't called me by my full name yet. That, my dear, is called progress." He grabbed the bottle from behind the bar and I laughed.
Rebekah walked over to us as he poured more into my glass. "You're trying too hard." Klaus criticized. "Last I heard you were leaving town, forever." She shot back. "Well I was, but then I thought to myself how can I when my sister, clearly so desperate for love and affection, is left here bribing the help."
"God, more sibling drama. Yippee. Does she know, Nik?" I asked, referring to the Five. "I've stumbled upon something I think might be of interest to you. The brotherhood of The Five still exists." He whispered. Rebekah's eyes widened. "You see, and like that bygones. Come on love, work to do." He began walking. He turned back towards Rebekah and I. "We don't have anything to do. There is no we. I don't care about The Five and I don't care about you." His sister spat.
"As you wish." Klaus scowled. "If you come, River, note you're signing up for this. You mustn't tell your lovers at home your whereabouts... Though I expect one is at home now." Klaus judged. I stood up and sighed. "This better be fun then." I began walking and stood at the door. Klaus was still standing, shocked by my attitude but not mad. "Well?" I rushed.
I followed his car to a mansion. It was huge and had a tan color with many windows that had white shutters. There was a balcony above the black door. I stepped out onto the brick driveway. "Holy shit." I admired the building. It was beautiful.
"Like it? Good. I expect Stefan will be here. Come on." Klaus waved me to the door. I followed him into the home, which was equally as beautiful as the outside. He led me into a room, where the vampire hunter was chained. "How-" I began. "Found him running. Figured to keep him hostage." He smirked. "You clever bitch!" I smiled. "I was gonna take him, but I figured you went through such trouble to truss him up in your red room of pain," Stefan said, walking out from the shadows. "It's from the Inquisition. I thought it was a nice touch." Klaus retorted. "What'd you get out of him?" I looked at the bloody figure up and down. "Not enough. He's mum about the Council fire and he's not saying anything about this greater evil we're all supposed to be shivering over. What brings you snooping?"
"Well, I can't say it in front of him. As I'm sure you've figured out, our friend here can't be compelled." Stefan rolled his eyes at Klaus's silly questions. "What a mystery. Kinda hot. Too bad you're a dickhead." I mumbled, pacing around the Hunter. "I told you, I don't know anything." He swore. "Thankfully, I know plenty."
Klaus walked out, waving his hand for Stefan and me to follow. "So what? You and him are besties now?" Stefan whispered angrily. "Jealousy used to be cute on you. I wonder what happened." I walked towards the door, but Stefan grabbed my hand. "Don't turn your back on me, River."
"Ironic, hm?"
This time, he let me walk out.

𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐲 | 𝐭𝐯𝐝
VampireRiver returns to Mystic Falls after more than a hundred years later. When she is kidnapped, it would only make her life turn for the better. This story includes vulgar language, murder, and mentions of suicide or suicidal thoughts. #1 damonsalvator...