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started april 4th, 11:31 PM

I could barely move. Breathing hurt and it felt like poison was engulfing my lungs. I was resting on a stack of hay in a barn. A vervain gas, which was lethal to my kind, was being released, making me wheeze for air. Small coughs were heard around me. I crawled to the metal bars that surrounded my cage to look around and saw a familiar brunette. Her eyes were brown and she was unusually pale because of the vervain. Her face was small and of course, was the same from the last time I saw it. Her hair, which was once curly, was now straightened. Katherine Pierce.

"Katherine," I said lowly, my British accent thick. The girl looked at me. There was a certain innocence in her eyes, hinting it may not be the vampire I once knew.

"I'm- I'm Elena." Elena? "You know Katherine?" She pondered. "Yes. I once did." I rested my head on the cold bar. "I know that voice." Another female voice gasped, then quickly spat out the taste of poison she inhaled. "Rebekah?" I tapped on the wooden wall that divided us. "River Ambrose. Fancy meeting you again." I could basically hear her smirk. "River." A male groaned. "Yes?" I looked around. I saw a hand grip the bars next to Elena's cell. "River, is it really you?" He asked. I recognize that voice. The only man I ever let break my heart.

"Stefan Salvatore." I scoffed. I heard him gulp.

"Stefan!" Elena clenched the bars. "Elena. Elena, are you okay?" He whispered. "I didn't feed." She informed. "Wait, so you're not even a full vampire?" I snickered. "You died with vampire blood in your system and you didn't feed and now you're locked up in here without a drop of human blood in sight. That is a problem." Rebekah remarked. "That's basically what I just said." I rolled my eyes. "Just ignore them." Stefan sighed. "So, the weather?" I hummed. Rebekah laughed. "When did you even come back to Mystic Falls anyway?" I heard Stefan breathe heavily. "A few nights ago," I replied. "Why didn't you come to see me?"

I let out a deep sigh and ignored the question. He is the one that pushed me away so long ago. We were a power couple. Best friends since 1860, I helped him when he turned and killed his father. I helped him when Damon abandoned him. I helped him through it all. Right until Rebekah and Klaus entered our lives. I was told I wasn't wanted or needed anymore and shoved to the ground. I was taught never to take shit like that from a man, so did what was right: slapped him and left.

"Because you broke her heart," Rebekah responded. "Shut up, Bekah. Can we all shut up?... Thank you." I sassed and closed my eyes. Not moments later did Elena ruin the silence. "Stefan." She begged. "What happened?" He asked. "I'm out of time. I need blood. I'm dying."

I heard metal rings clatter against the bars and turned to see Stefan pulling himself up. "Hey! Anyone, hey!" He yelled. "Will you shut up?" I hissed. "You want more vervain? Keep it down." A guard warned. "Listen to me. Elena's gonna die if you don't let her out of here."

"You think he is gonna care if a vampire dies? That's the whole reason we're here. Shove a cork in it and accept it." I weakly stood up and walked to the haystack in the back of my cell. "Let her out!" Stefan screamed. A gun went off. He was shot. Before I knew what I was doing, I sped to the bars and banged against them. "Stop!" I yelled. I watched as the man turned around and shot my stomach. It was a wooden bullet, which made me hiss and fall back.

Stefan crawled towards the wall. "Elena, are you still with me?" He asked. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm here. I'm okay." She said, her voice raspier. "No, you're not. I can hear you breathing. Damon was right, you should have fed this morning. I'm so sorry." I heard him sniffle. I picked the bullet from my skin and sat against the wall. My lungs burned. "Do you know why I was even on that bridge? I was coming back for you, Stefan. I had to choose and I picked you." Elena promised. There was a choice? Who was the other guy?

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