"Well, this is fantastic," I remarked as we were thrown into a cellar. "Keep them down here until we're ready to bring Klaus in. Use these if you have to." Tyler handed the chains to one of the hybrids. "Don't be a dick, Lockwood." I slid down the wall. "This is bigger than you. It's revenge for us." Stefan said. "I know what it's about for you, Stefan. It's about the cure. Do you know what happens to a hybrid when he's cured of being a vampire? We go back to being werewolves; turning on every full moon. We could give a rat's ass about the cure." Tyler walked out.
I groaned. "Well, I'm bored." I huffed. "Shut up, River." Caroline crossed her arms. "Not the time." Stefan sighed. "Shut up, River! Not the time." I mocked in a high pitched voice. "What about you, guard man?" I looked at the hybrid. He just stared blankly at us. "Great..." I mumbled.
We were in there for what seemed forever before Stefan's phone rang. "What's up?" He answered. Must be Damon. Stefan's face relaxed and he seemed joyful but confused. "You're kidding." He hung up and looked at Caroline and I. "We don't need the sword." Stefan revealed.
Once we got out I went to Klaus's mansion to clean up whatever mess Stefan decided to make. It was an in and out mission but I got it done and met Klaus and apparently Stefan in the town square later on. "Where have you been? Why are you covered in dirt?" He asked me. "I was in a cellar, thank you very much for the concern," I muttered sarcastically, wiping dirt off my jeans. "That's where you've been." Klaus turned around to face Stefan. "You've been dodgy and Caroline's been lovely, which I've come to recognize as a tool of distraction, now, do you have something to share with me or should I compel it out of you?" He warned.
"I broke into your safe to look for the sword," Stefan confessed. "Why?" Klaus asked. "Because I don't trust you."
"I showed you the sword. I explained its value. I've been on your side the entire time. What do you want from me? A secret brotherhood handshake?" The hybrid remarked. "Probably does," I muttered under my breath. "I found the letters. You've had a few pen-pals over the centuries."
Klaus smiled at Stefan. "Well, is keeping my victims' letters really so different from writing their names on a wall? Like you did, Ripper?"
Oh, wait tea.
Klaus began walking away but turned back towards us. "Loneliness, Stefan. That's why you and I memorialize our dead. There's the briefest of moments before we kill where we literally hold their life in our hands and then we rip it away. And we're left with nothing. So, gathering other peoples' letters or writing their names on a wall is a reminder that in the end we're left infinitely and utterly alone."
I looked at Stefan. I almost felt sympathy for him. I need wine. Klaus left and I was left on a bench with him. "Whenever we stare at the face of a victim, there's a moment of sadness before we kill them ruthlessly for your own good. We are all a little selfish, Stefan. You need to decide when the selfishness stops. Feeding? It's essential. Is all of this essential?" I asked him. He was quiet. I got up and walked away.
I decided to go on a hunt and was speeding around the forest when an overwhelming amount of blood took over my senses. I sped towards the scene quietly and saw Klaus slaughtering a group of hybrids. He was covered in blood and panting with a sword in his hand and sweat dripping off of the back of his neck. His muscles were tense and all I could feel was terror as I watched him walk slowly towards the cellar. Yet I still followed.
"Where is Tyler Lockwood?" I heard him ask someone. The person was sobbing but didn't reply. "You'd do well to answer me, love." He threatened. "Where is he?!" He yelled. "I-I don't know!" The lady cried. "Wrong answer."
I heard skin puncture and the lady gasp for air. He tore her head off and began walking back up the steps. I couldn't move out of the circle of dead bodies. I was paralyzed with fear.
He stopped at the top of the stairs. "What are you doing here, rabbit?" Klaus asked. He cocked his head to the side slightly and gripped the sword. "Run." He instructed with a smirk. I sped away from the scene and to the Salvatore home.
I walked in and slowly shuffled to the kitchen. "River? What are you doing here? River?" Stefan stared at me. "I..."
I fell to the ground. Stefan grabbed a blood bag and ran back to me. He handed it to me. "Drink. What happened?"
"Klaus...he...I...I forgot how v-violent he was supposed to be. I-" I stammered. He put his arm around my back and pulled me close, then used his free hand to wipe my face. "Shhh...."

𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐲 | 𝐭𝐯𝐝
VampireRiver returns to Mystic Falls after more than a hundred years later. When she is kidnapped, it would only make her life turn for the better. This story includes vulgar language, murder, and mentions of suicide or suicidal thoughts. #1 damonsalvator...