I'm sorry for not updating, I'm currently at a resort. But rn, I want to speak on what has been happening. George Floyd was brutally murdered on the hot pavement in Minneapolis. He laid, face pressed on the cement, for 8-9 minutes. It's sick and cruel. Since then, riots have broken out, as you all know. They've spread out, including in my city. Last night, people were thrown out of their cars and beaten. It's like the purge now. I urge you all to stay safe and speak out. Go to a protest around you with a mask, eye protecting glasses, and your voice. We can change things.
Black lives matter. If you support All Lives Matter, consider this: if we aren't treated equal, do YOU think YOU would feel like you mattered if you were a person of color? Please please please speak out about the Black Lives Matter Movement. We are all in this together.
"Sired?!" I whispered loudly into the device. "When Elena started feeding, who said that she could only drink blood straight from the vein? Damon. And when she tried to drink from animals and blood bags? She couldn't keep it down. Damon likes the red dress. Elena likes the red dress. Damon says kill Connor and she kills Connor. What if it's possible? Damon's blood made her a vampire, right?" Caroline asked me. "It's possible but it's very very rare." I stopped scrubbing. "What if this is one of those moments?" Stefan stepped back in. "Then we have a problem on our hands. I don't think there would be a way to un-sire someone."-
It was now morning and I'm standing in front of Stefan and Caroline. They were both freaking out, but Stefan wasn't totally convinced. I wasn't either. "Look, we don't know anything for sure. Her feelings could have naturally grown for Damon and she wants to prove it. I don't know. She just did a bother swap." I explained. "Elena is sired to Damon! Which means her one singular burning desire is to make him happy, just like Klaus and his hybrids!" Caroline shouted. "No, it's not. A vampire sired to another vampire is one in a bazillion." I argued. "We already know it's affecting her. She's become Damon's lapdog. It's true! Everything he says, she agrees with. Everything he asks her to do...she does."
She's right. I looked at Stefan. He seemed convinced too. Caroline suddenly whipped out her phone. "This isn't gossip. You can't just drop this on Elena before we know what's happening for sure." Stefan told her. "I need to talk to Tyler, okay? Maybe he'll know what to do."
"I'll try to find Klaus. I'm on his good side." I sighed. "No. Klaus doesn't need to know. Talk to Tyler but please don't tell anyone else. If this is true, then it may have an influence on Elena's every action and emotion since she became a vampire." Stefan said. He sounded hopeful. "Fine. Then you and I are going to pay a little visit to Damon."
He shrugged and we split away from Caroline.
We walked up to the door of the Salvatore House when it swung open. Elena was standing with a scarf around her neck and hair in a bun. Her smile dropped and tension began to form. "Do you still have that drink?" I groaned, walking past her. "Uh...yeah." Damon cleared his voice. "See you in history?" Elena asked Stefan. "Yeah." He replied. Damon closed the door once she left. "We need to talk," Stefan told his brother.
We explained the situation. Naturally, he scolded us. "Sired? Really Stefan? That is the most pathetic nonsense I've ever heard come out of your mouth, and you've said some crap in your day." He glared. "And you, River? You could be considered jealous if I didn't know you still had goo-goo eyes for Stefan."
"Oh shut up! You act like you haven't been hounding over your BROTHER'S girlfriend. We could have kept a secret from you that could completely be the glue to this little relationship you have with her, but we chose to tell you." I snapped. He clenched his jaw and looked at me as if I were prey. "It was your blood that turned her. She's been different from day one because of you. You can't deny that." Stefan told him, making weird hand gestures while doing so. "Sure I can. I finally got Elena to a good place about being a vampire. You two idiots can't stand that she's happy because of me." He smirked cockily. "No, she's happy because you tell her things that'll make her happy." I corrected. "You know what? Prove us wrong. Tell her it's OK to drink from a blood bag." Stefan challenged. "She can't. Her weird doppelgänger body rejected the blood from the bag."
"Right, because you told her to. You said she had to drink warm human blood straight from the vein. She almost died to make you happy." Stefan said. I stepped in. "Look, just ask her to drink from a blood bag. Make sure you'll tell her how happy you'll be if it works, and if we're wrong, I'll be the first to apologize.""When her body rejects this blood, which it will, your apology better be epic." Damon got up and walked away. Stefan and I stared at each other.

𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐲 | 𝐭𝐯𝐝
VampireRiver returns to Mystic Falls after more than a hundred years later. When she is kidnapped, it would only make her life turn for the better. This story includes vulgar language, murder, and mentions of suicide or suicidal thoughts. #1 damonsalvator...