~* Chapter 9 *~

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(the following chapter shows the festival held inside Magnolia, which isn't real at all. Viewer disruptions described.) I think thats how you say it, LOL
(Please read the next chapter if you don't want to read the next following part xD )

It was the last day of the year when Gray last found Yuki inside the cave, dark and gloomy. The festival they had entered was booming with life. Lanterns and lacrimas of different colors lighted up their way, different smells from different stands filled up the air, giving a feeling of home.

"Gray! Look!" Yuki pointed a finger at a juggler, who was juggling different kinds of materials. Gray nodded before grabbing her hand, mourning for her warmth.

"Ooh! Look!" Now, she pointed to the stand, releasing her grip on Gray's hand. Gray frowned as he stuffed both his hands into his pockets, keeping the warmth that still lingered on his skin.

Gray walked uncomfortably towards the stand Yuki was on. Gray has been scold for going half naked to many places by Erza, who also said that it was 'impolite' to a lady.

So now, he wore his usual clothing, which covered him from chest to legs.

Oh, doesn't he want to strip badly. Wanting to feel the cold air blowing at his body. But, he pushed that thought away as he looked down at the small accessories displayed on the stand Yuki had ran on.

He can see the sparkle in her eyes, and he can tell that she wants all of them, since all the accessories are all cute. But, there was one that caught her eyes.

"Gray, look! Two necklaces! They even have two pieces for each necklace! They even fit with each other!" She pointed her finger towards the necklace.

It was shaped as a heart, but it was translucent with two different kinds of shades of light blue. Gray smiled lightly, but took the two necklaces, using his two fingers to fit the pieces together.

"How much?" He ask the shop keeper. The shopkeeper smiled before telling him the exact change, which he handed the money to. "Thank you, young man. I hope you have a fun time at the festival with your girlfriend!"

Gray flushed, and was in a loss of words. "Thank you!" Yuki gladly said before gripping his hand, pulling him away from the small stand. "What do you want to do next?" Yuki ask, that excited and energetic look planted on her face.

Gray smirked before pulling out the two necklaces, which was attached to a metal chain. "Here," Gray said, stuffing the darker color blue into his pocket, unscrewing the metal necklace.

Yuki blinked as she watched Gray walk behind her, puling the necklace over her throat. His fingers brushed across her bare neck, leaving small tingling sensations on his fingers.

"Pretty~" She giggled before pulling her hair over the chain after he had finished screwing back the necklace.

She watched Gray wore his, and he said, "Well.... Yuki," his cheeks flushed, "Shall we.... do the last part of the soul mate thing that you need to complete?"

"Heh????" Yuki questioned, "But you're already my soul mate!" Gray adverted his gaze somewhere else, and his cheeks flared uncontrollably.

"Yeah... There's another part we need to complete."

Back at the cave, when Yuki was still frozen in ice. The carvings were written. And on the way bottom of the large writing was writing smaller then the rest. 'After finding her soul mate...' it read, 'She has to do the 'thing' with him'. Thank god the writing didn't write the exact word.

Gray flushed even more, and he can feel his head being light. "Gray??" She questioned, "You alright?" Gray nodded rather quickly and rapidly, which made his head even lighter.

"Ya know what? Just... Come with me..." Gray grabbed her arm and pulled her away from the festival. Good thing the festival is going to be there tomorrow.

"Gray~!" She whined and pouted. "You have to complete the soul mate thing, or you'll be trapped in that block of ice." Gray said, "You don't want to be in that block of ice again, right?"

Yuki shook her head, "What do I have to do?" Gray dragged her towards his house. (gonna make up his house) He has his own little house, which was close to the line of the forest. The house was rather ordinary, and was actually really home-welcoming.

"Is this your house?" Yuki questioned again, smiling as she looked around his house. "It feels just like home!" Gray rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, not knowing how to put the situation into a sentence.

"So... In o-order to complete the soul mate thing..." Gray stuttered, and he lightly cursed under his breath, "We have to do that... thing."

Yuki tilted her head to the side, "Thing...?"

"Yes, thing." Gray said, walking towards her. He placed both hands onto her waist, leaning down to the side of her ear, "The 'thing' I was talking about..." his breath bounced off her skin.

He lightly nibbled on her earlobe before whispering, his voice now becoming husky, "Is something called s-e-x." He sounded each word, but he didn't feel her shoulder tense. Not even a bit.

"Ahhh." She nodded, understanding. But, just as soon as she realized it, she flushed. "HEH!?" She panicked and quickly pushed his warm, shuexy chest away from her chest.

"W-w-wait!" She yelped, "I-i'm not ready yet!" Gray smirked before walking towards her, "Today's the last day, you can't wait till tomorrow." Yuki flushed from ear to ear.

"I-i know that! I-it's just so sudden! Why didn't you tell me yesterday!"

"You weren't even in the guild yesterday." Gray said, standing in front of her as he slowly took his shirt off. (o///o) "Times up..." He said, kissing her passionately.


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