~* Chapter 18 *~

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Yuki ran up the set of ice stairs, followed by the two males who slowly traveled behind her. "Quickly!" She yelled, "Before it draw it's attention towards us!"

"Yeah!" Gray and Natsu yelled at the same time. As Yuki reached the top, she jumped, skidding across the dusty ground.

"Come on!" She ducked down as Natsu jumped over, followed the Gray. They all were panting hard, and Gray turned his head towards Yuki.

"What do you plan to do?" He ask, "Even if we're this high, that dragon has good eyesight, right?"

Yuki panted, but gave him a nod. "Mind... Creating a large arrow with a bow?" She grinned at him, and his mind clicked.

"But we'll need another person on the other side of the head."

Yuki grinned once more, "Don't worry," she tilted her head to the side, "Another member of our team knows what to do."

Gray raise an eyebrow, then heard a yell, "Yuki! Tell us when to go!"

Yuki waited for Gray to create an arrow made out of ice. Gray let out a sigh of defeat before creating the largest bow and arrow, used for monsters as tall as buildings.

"Here ya go." Gray said, wiping his hand over each other, "Now you'll have to owe me something back at home."

Yuki smirked, "Not until I finish my bet."

"Enough talk!" Natsu yelled, pushing the arrow on top of the bow, "Tell me when to go, Yuki!" He yelled, aiming.

Yuki shook her head, "Sorry Natsu," She said, "I got another job for ya."

Natsu let out a small whine. "Aw, come on!" Yuki made eye contact with Gray, and tipped her head to the arrow.

"Be my guest, Gray-Gray." She teased with a giggle.

Yuki pulled Natsu to the side for a little before pointing her finger towards the exits, while Gray walked over to the large bow and arrow. His hand rested on top before he adjusted the tip of the arrow to the wavering head of the dragon.

"Got it?" He finally heard as Natsu gave her a nod, followed by a grin. "Gray." Yuki rested her hand on top of his shoulder, she pointed her finger at the stomach, saying, "Hit over there, there's a weak spot over there that can most likely weaken the dragon."

Gray nodded once more before adjusting the tip again, towards the spot where there was no scales at all. He can see the three girls on the bottom battling their all, none stopping, all fighting.

Natsu stood on the edge of the tower before taking in a deep breath, yelling, "Fire Dragon's Roar!" He blew fire towards the exits, and they started to flare up automatically.

"You missed, fire-brain!" Gray face palmed at his total failure, but heard another voice that flipped him out a little.

"Good work, Natsu." Gray's eyes knitted together.

"Huh?!" He yelled with confusion.

Yuki grinned, "The poison," She answered, "It has gas in it, which makes it flammable." Yuki pointed her finger towards the exit, "Now, the exits that Natsu caught on fire has surrounded Pachinolia, which made no escape."

"But it can fly upwards." Gray pointed his finger to the sky, "Then it'll escaped, won't it?" Yuki nodded.

"That's true, but that's exactly what I wanted it to do."

Just after she had said that, Pachinolia flew upwards from the smoke, while Lucy, Erza, Wendy, Happy and Carla stayed unharmed. "Fire!" She yelled, Gray pulled the switch from the bow, and he heard other yells.

"Sky Dragon's Roar!/Go, Saggitarrius!/Fire Dragon's Roar!" Then, he noticed something, the eyes of the dragon was jumping from place to place, only staring at the fire surrounding it.

Gray smirked with eyes closed, "That smarty snowflake..."

"Gray!" Yuki yelled before stretching her hand towards him, her hair flying all over the place, "Grab my hand!" Gray squinted his eyes at the sudden wind, but grabbed her warm, waiting hand.

Then, Yuki pulled him upwards, "Ice Make:" Gray's eyes widen as he felt his hand become cold, "Lance!" She yelled, and large, spiky tips of ice burst from the ground, and at high speed, it crashed onto the dragon's eye.

He looked down at Yuki's seriousness, and he can see their necklaces glowing brighter, and brighter...

And brighter.

The light slowly swallows them, and the ice that also pierced through the Pachinolia's chest shattered, creating snowflake-like sparkles raining down.

Pachinolia fell down, and eventually crashed onto the ground, limp and lifeless. The light that emits off Yuki and Gray still lingers, but faded. Gray sat with Yuki in his hands, who fainted with complete exhaustion.

He still can't get the fast beating from his heart away, and the feeling of something warm still lingers, wrapping itself on Gray's chest like a blanket. What was that just now?

He can still feel the bright light wrapping around his body. He looked down at his necklace, still seeing some light emitting off of it. But this time, there was some small prints on it.

'Snowflakes falling, Ice Crystals Cooling.'

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