~* Chapter 28 *~

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[A.U] Just a short note, Pachinolia's soul is the size of a humans. So you can say it's a mini dragon :D

"Gray!" The female ran towards the fallen male, but she's been blocked by the fire breathing idiot, and the Scarlet Haired female. "Natsu! Erza!" Yuki pushed her way through, only catching a glimpse of Gray's toned body.

(there is media at the bottom right corner, click that and read on! :D)

"Let me through!" Tears started to well up inside her eyes. She pushed in more, but accidentally fell backwards at the strong forces in front of her.

Her ears perked up at the scream, and tears started to run down faster. Her heart clenched, her hands formed a fist. "Let me through! Please! I beg of you!" She yelled with eyes squeezed tight, but only gave her a negative response.

"No." The scarlet haired female shook her head, "If you get close to Gray, he's going to die-"

"HE'S NOT GOING TO DIE BECAUSE OF ME!" Yuki yelled, and Natsu's, Erza's and Lucy's eyes widened. They had never heard Yuki yell before. Small hiccups sounded, "He's not going to die if I get near him..." She repeated, collapsing on the ground, "GRAY!" She yelled, sobbing as she clenched her chest.

Erza's eyes softened, but it still showed a sign that she still shouldn't be passing. "Please..." Yuki begged, "Why aren't you listening to me?! It was Pachinolia! That thing is Pachinolia!" She yelled, now grabbing her necklace.

"If you don't defeat it, Gray will die! He will die because of that dragon!" She hiccuped, and slowly wiped the tears that continued falling down her cheeks.

Then, she shakily stood up, waving side by side a little before regaining her balance. "If you aren't going to let me through..." Yuki sniffed, wiping her eyes again, "I"m going to fight Pachinolia's soul by myself."

"What?!" Natsu grabbed her shoulders, "What are you, nuts?! Something's wrong with your head!"

"There is nothing wrong with me!" Yuki yelled, "There is something wrong with Gray! And if you aren't going to defeat that thing, then he dies! I don't want my one and only soul mate to die on me now! Not now-" Yuki pushed Natsu's hands away from her shoulder before running towards Pachinolia's soul, "Not never!"

"Yuki!" Erza, Lucy, and Natsu yelled, but they won't be able to reach her in time. "Stop!" She tripped, and yelped as she fell on the ground, sobbing.

"Why?!" She yelled, "Why does fate lead us to this path?!" She yelled loudly, "Why?!" Tears dripped down her cheeks onto the dirt ground, and the screams of Gray continued in the background.

"Gray..." She whispered, tears running down her cheeks again, "I can't save you again..." She remembered the time when Gray had saved her back from the mountain. The time when Gray went out, searching for her soul mate, just for her. And she had given him nothing in return.

She felt guilty. For the first time in her life, she felt guilty.

"I'm not going to let him die." She repeated, standing up again. Scratches were marked against her skin, and now the whole guild was there, listening to her.

Yuki stood up, facing Pachinolia's soul right in front of her, which floated. The beaming red eyes stared at her, staring down into her soul like it was searching for something. A chill ran down her spine.


"No!" She yelled, snapping her head at Natsu, who had only takin' a step towards her, "He's is considered a family to you guys...." She said, tears running down once more, "But to me... He's more than that. He's my life, he's everything that I need in order to survive. He gives me happiness, love, a family. My very own family. He's like a crystal that sparkled like a snowflake." She smiled softly, "Crystals... and Snowflakes... Are made for each other."

Yuki smiled, and bowed, "Thank you... Everyone... For being here for me. I love you all." By the time she straightened her back, everyone was very emotional.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPK4LTXsH2Q (media for the next part. If the song before is still going, pause that and click this link. Then, read on! :))

Yuki faced forward again, now a strict expression planted on her face. She ran forward again, now throwing a punch at the dragon. Her fist went through, but then became solid again as the arm pushed her to the side.

"Yuki!" Natsu ran, but has been stopped by a giant hand, "Oji-chan!" Natsu sent a glare towards his own master, who also sent a glance to him. "This isn't our fight." Master Makarov said.

"One of our Nakama is fighting!" Natsu yelled, "Even if it isn't our fight.." he listened to the crashes at Yuki's fight, "It doesn't mean that we have to lose a family member!"

"Natsu!" Makarov yelled, "Stay back and watch. This isn't our fight. Mirajane, go and help Gray." Mirajane nodded before quickly making her way towards Gray, who has been in pain for far too long.

"Y-yuki...!" Gray groaned. His chest hurt, and he can't afford to let his love one die, especially since he should be the one doing the protecting.

"Oof!" Yuki crashed onto a tree, and all Gray can think about is protecting. He grabbed onto Mirajane's hand, slowly pulling himself upright.

"Don't push yourself..." Mirajane said softly, but her eyes widened as she watched Gray stand up. "Gray...!" She also stood up, but softly pushed him back to the ground.

"L..leave me alone..." Gray huffed, his eyes barely open.

"Gray, you have to rest-"

"Like hell I'm going to do that..." Gray stumbled backwards, then collided with the tree nearest to him. He groaned, now slowly punching his painful chest, "Damn chest...! Don't die on me yet!"

He panted, he formed a fist as he slammed it onto his open palm, saying, "Ice make..." He collapsed, but managed to say these words, "Floor!" An ice floor appeared right in front of him, and he started to slide across it.

Yuki crashed onto the tree, now coughing up blood. She leaned against the tree as she watched Pachinolia floating closer to her. She has no escaped route now, she wasn't able to save him again.

She wasn't able to return the love and happiness Gray gave her.

Pachinolia's solid claws raise upwards before slashing down at her. She squeezed her eyes shut, saying one last prayers to the guild members.

Almost everything froze the moment the claw slashed down at her. The guild members all trying their best to run towards her, even Makarov's giant arm has been enlarged.

However, by the time she came back to reality, she felt warmth in front of her instead, and a small voice that whispered in her ear.


Her eyes widened.

Gray's face was near hers, and she watched the blood trickle down his lip.

Gray Fullbuster... Had succeeded on saving his one and only princess...

By taking the most fatal move.

Taking the hit in order to save his love one...

His one and only snow princess, Yuki.

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