~* Chapter 32 (End) *~

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~Snowflakes Falling~

~Crystals Sparkling~

~A new beauty was made~

~For all of Eternity~

Snow trickled down the air as it landed on the males hair, his bare chest showing. Then, a jacket was thrown at his head. "Wear your jacket, Gray." The female said with a small pout.

Gray smirk, only tying the jacket around his waist, "Jealous much?"

"Well, your stripping habit has became a habit to your son." She said, waving her hand in front of them. There, a young child with his chest showing and his onyx-white hair flying through the air, with his onyx eyes sparkling.

"Hey, he's the one that wanted to know Ice Magic." The male defended with hands raised. Yuki let out a sigh before gripping the jacket on her arm, which was suppose to be her son's.

"Ruka." She said, staring at the cloud of warm air float upwards.

"What is it, Oka-san?" The child said before running towards his mother.

"You're going to get a cold if you expose that much skin." Yuki said before wrapping a scarf around his neck.

"But! Oto-san is doing it!" Yuki sighed.

Gray smirked, "You've matured a lot."

Ruka pouted with crossed arms, giving his father a hug, "Oto-san! Why are you allowed to be naked! You're not even wearing your pants anymore!"

Yuki's eyes widened as she stared at the pair of black boxers, which Gray reacted with a yelp. Yuki quickly took out another pair of pants, quickly throwing it at her husband's head.

"You and your stripping habit!" Yuki laughed afterwards, followed by Ruka. Gray blushed before wearing his pants, grabbing onto Yuki's waist and pulling her in towards him.

"Don't look." Gray said, covering his son's eyes before giving a longing kiss to his wife. Ruka whined.

"Why?! You always cover my eyes whenever you get close to Oka-san!"

Gray pulled away before patting his son's head, saying, "You'll understand when you're older, Ruk. Now, wanna go train in the forest?"

Ruka's eyes shimmered, "Really?!"

Yuki face palmed herself, "Don't go out too long..." Ruka face pumped the air before running full speed back to Gray's their house. Gray grinned before forming a fist, saying.

"Ice Make: Rope!" A rope appeared in his arms as he threw the hoop of the rope towards his son, catching him in an instant.

"Oto-san!" Ruka yelled before struggling, but ended up laughing. Yuki laughed, untangling the rope that her son has gotten into.

"Run, Ruka! Run!" She yelled before pulling his arm towards his forest, laughing.

"Oi!" Gray knited his eyebrows together before smirking, forming a fist again, "Ice Make: Floor!" An ice floor was created in front of him, making his way towards his wife and child.

"Oka-san!" Ruka yelled.

"Jump!" She yelled in return. They both jump as the ice skidded under them, but Ruka's eyes widened.

"Ice!" He yelled, but felt himself being slid across the ice, his arm behind drag.

He grinned as he watched his mother drag him across the ice in a figure-like skating position. Yuki gave winked at her husband, pointing her finger towards the skates.

"See ya, Gray~" She sing sang his voice before entering their house, locking the door in the process. Yuki shushed her child's laughing matter, pointing her finger towards the back door.

"Go and play." She whispered quietly, which earned her a nod. Ruka quietly tip toed towards the back, unlocking and twisting the doorknob open.

Just as he took a step out, a pair of arms were brought up his armpit, lifting him upwards with large amounts of strengths. "Happy Birthday!" Gray grinned with eyes closed as he listened to the giggling and laughing of his child.

Yuki walked out with an ice cream cake (yum!) with a candle on top, with a number 8 on the center. The candle was already lit, and it was emitting a sparkling color that caught his eye.

"Make a wish, Ruka." Yuki smiled as she placed the cake on a cut tree, which now has a flat surface. Ruka clapped his hands together, closing his eyes as he made a wish.

The snow continued to fall as the young male blew the candle out with one blow, and a grin was planted on his face. "So, little boy." Gray said, placing his hand on top of Ruka's head, "What's your wish?"

"Heh??" Ruka stared at his father, "But if I told you guys my wish, it won't come true, right?"

Yuki shook her head, "We'll do anything for your wish."

Ruka adverted his eyes, "I don't know."

"Come on, Ruk. Be a man!" Gray encouraged.

Yuki laughed, "You sound like Elfman!"

Ruka let out a sigh of defeat, but grinned, "I want to have a baby brother or sister!"

Now that wish can be granted with both the help of his parents.

I thank you all for reading for reading Unfrozen Love! I cherish all your comments and likes! :D

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