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Tine reached political science faculty without any difficulty. He was amused. The atmosphere there was totally different. He felt like he was came to an alternate universe. He swear all male gods belong to either political science faculty or engineering.

On his way to find Sarawat he caught glimpse of green standing near music club. He reached toward him but green was in trance. He tapped on his shoulder.

Green almost cursed but when he turned around he saw a cute little bunny staring at him curiously.
"Are you okay,you look sad?" Tine asked him.

"Yeah it just that...I argued with my boyfriend"Green said dejectedly. He is regreting arguing with P'Dim. It all started when P'Dim found him and a guy hugging each other. And since their relationship was secret so he cannot claim that Green is his boyfriend.

What really happened that is(according to Green) this guy came to him and confessed that he liked him for a long time. But green rejected him. But the guy pulled him and hugged him. That is when P'Dim entered the scene. All that P'Dim could see was jealously. He cannot accept the fact that Green didn't refused or pushed the guy.

After the guy left-

"What are you think you are doing?" P'Dim was going to ask him softly but he couldn't control his mouth. All he said was harsh which broke green heart and they fought. Green accused him that if he can't tell their relationship to everyone then he have no right to get jealous. Green knew what he said was not right and as his boyfriend he should understand his decision but what could he do he is also tired of this.

"I know what can make you happy" tine said grinning. "What do yo-" green was cut off when tine pulled him in a hug and kissed his cheek before leaving him there. Green chuckled to himself. He knew his friend is really an pure innocent soul. But what he don't know that P'Dim was watching them from afar. He came back to apologize to Green but he didn't know that Green was having his own time with another guy. He didn't care if he is a friend or not. He want to be only one to be in heart of green.

Tine was going to find Sarawat when his stomach growled. He decided to feed his stomach first as other things can wait.

He went to canteen and ordered a few things which are most of them were snacks. If his mother saw him now she will beat the shit out of him. Tine was finding a table when he bumped on someone resulting the fluid in his hand to be spilled on the person.

The person was pissed, he groaned and turn around to punish the guy who did this but as soon he turned he was shocked to his long time crush infront of him. He never thought that the will meet again like this. He felt like he was dreaming. He was going to say something when tine started crying. He was dumbfounded that why would he cry now.

Tine looked up with tears glistening in his eyes while muttering apologies. He was really scared. He was alone here they might pick on him.
He looked so pitiful.

Sarawat helped him stand straight and calm him down. After he stopped crying he took him with him where his best friends man and boss were sitting.

He sat opposite to his friends and tine on his right side. "Who is this cutie?" Man asked but was glared by Sarawat.
Tine suddenly became excited and introduced" I am tine the chic guy and you?" "Boss and this man" this time boss said while pointing at him first than man. He clearly remember this long time crush of his friend.

Tine faced Sarawat and asked "And you?". Tine tilted his head waiting for an answer.'of course he don't know you, he never met you' Sarawat mentally scolded himself.  He said while patting Tine's head "Sarawat". Tine eyes lit up. He was searching for him for whole day and he finally showed up. "Really, I wanted to meet you"tine said.

It would be anunderstatement that he was shocked even his friends were shocked.

Sarawat couldn't help but utter an confused "why?" "Actually I have a favour for you" tine said while blushing. 'Now it is confirmed you are dreaming' Sarawat told himself. But was brought back from trance when tine tapped on his shoulder. "Ah..what favour?" Sarawat asked softly he didn't want to sound too harsh infront of his crush. "It is not...ah can we talk alone" tine changed his sentence when he remembered that they are in still canteen.

Sarawat only nodded and lead him to out of the canteen to a open ground where you cannot find anyone since it is the old football ground which abonded now." You know Aran right?" Tine asked.

Sarawat didn't know why was his friend was mentioned here but decided to answer with honesty. "Yes"
"Well I like him can you help me persuing him?" Tine looked toward Sarawat with hopeful eyes but what he couldn't notice was the sadness in Sarawat eyes.
"Wha-"Sarawat was going to say something when Tine cut him off.

"I really like him please accept my request"

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