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They are right now standing in front of the building.

After reaching there they got to know the company consist of three buildings. It is going to be a big trouble for them.

They slowly pushed the door open. Entering one after other. The floor is pretty dark and everything is shattered down.

Jimin flinched when the entrance door shut with a bang. It is another clue which proves that Aran must be hiding here.

They started looking around when blood curling laughter interrupted them.

"Never knew you all were this intelligent.

We are playing let me drop some clues."

After he finishes a children poem echo in the building.

The song is only consisting some set of words like kids let's start with numbers

"What does that mean?" Jimin asked.

They looked around if they could find some clues or something. Jimin was busy flipping files when taehyung poked him on arm.

"What?" Jimin asked trying to push his hand. But taehyung poked him again.

Jimin finally turned to him and yelled "What?" gaining everyone attention.

"What are we searching?" Taehyung asked with a innocent face.

"Something like clue or I say something suspicious written on paper" jungkook gave him his piece of mind. Sarawat turned to look at him with the baffled expression.

"Something like this" Taehyung said. Showing them a small visiting card.

'Pring' was written on it with golden ink.

"If it is Pring it must be related to you" Jason said to pha.

"Pring then what about it" Sarawat asked.

"It could be something when you first met her or broke her heart" taehyung said.

"How can that be possible we met at hospital" pha said.

It made everyone to think again.

"Should we check every room?" Jimin asked.

"It's impossible there are like hundreds of room in one building" Pha said.

"And remember the warning he gave him. We can't take risk" Jason said.

"Then what about the poem" jungkook asked.

How poem and Pring are connected to each other?

"The key point in poem is kids and numbers" taehyung said.

"But what about hospital?" Jimin asked. Sun is about to rise. They were thinking all night. It means they have almost wasted half a day.

"How can there be a hospital in a company building?"

They decided to go in groups. They decided they will first start looking main places like cafeteria, conference Hall etc.

The maknae line and Sarawat searching in cafeteria while Jason and Pha went to different floor.

The cafeteria was covered in dust. Smell of rusted iron lingered in air. They opened every drawer to check but found nothing.

Jason and Pha were in conference Hall when Jason find something in the desk drawer.

"Pha come here" Jason called him.

Pha went near him to saw Jason holding a picture of a girl probably in her twenties smiling beautifully at the camera. The photo was taken in front of hospital where pha worked.

All of them met again at cafeteria. Kids found nothing in particular except some old files of company.

"The only clue we have is hospital" Jason said showing them the picture.

"We have to look for something which connects with hospital"

Something flashed through Taehyung mind when Jason said this. Why didn't he think of this before?

"A hospital in a company building" he said again to draw their attention.

Everyone looked at him wanting him to continue his words.

"Infirmary" he said.

"What?" Sarawat asked.

"Infirmary a small clinic. It is highly related to hospital"

After being said they looked to infirmary. But wait a minute they don't know where is the infirmary. They looked again to find some clues to reach this clinic.

Everyone was busy flipping files when jimin saw something fluttering in book rack. He went near to it but find nothing. He turned back to return when he felt a presence behind his back. He turned back but found nothing but his sight fell onto a blue paper peeking out of a book.

He pulled the paper to look at it properly. It was a blue print of the building. He went to others and show them the map. According to the blueprint the infirmary is on the same floor as them.

They went to infirmary and open the door. But the room was empty. The room was dim with smell of blood on his contrast. They went inside room to find more clues when door shut with a bang.

I want to show Taehyung as a detective so most puzzles are solved by him.


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