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Today's weather looked better than yesterday but not safe to go out.

They can't go to beach. It could be dangerous as wind is blowing strongly.

Everyone has woke up and had their breakfast but still the friends in room no 402 didn't wake up.

Tine woke up when his alarm ring but still felt sleepy. He looked at other side  and saw jimin sleeping peacefully. He threw his phone at his friend and turn around to sleep some more.

Luckily the phone didn't hit jimin's face. The phone fell on the bed. But the impact was strong which woke jimin up.

Jimin jolted up and looked around and found nothing odd.

He went to take shower and did his morning routine. He came out of the bathroom but tine was still sleeping.

"Tine wake up. It's already 8 in the morning" jimin said while shaking Tine's body.

Tine squirmed around but didn't wake up. When jimin tried to shake him more he slapped his hand away.

"Fine I am going, don't come to me after you wake up" jimin said while pouting cutely at his friend who was to busy sleeping.

Jimin took his wallet,phone and room keys and went out of the room without locking it.

Most of members decided to take stroll around beach as it was quite calming.

Everyone including jimin ate their breakfast and went out for stroll. Sarawat was waiting for tine to come but couldn't find him.

He saw jimin talking with others. He decided to go back to hotel to check on tine if he's there.

Sarawat went back to hotel and directly went to tines room. He was standing outside thinking he should go inside or not. When wind blew and door opened by itself.

He went inside to see tine sleeping peacefully. He looks at other bed where was a phone was lying. He took his jacket and phone put it on the other bed.

He slowly climbed on Tine's bed and took him in his embrace. His one hand on his waist while the other one was caressing Tine's face.

The room was quite only rustling sound of the wind could be heard. The atmosphere was too calming soothing. Soon Sarawat fell asleep.

The couple was sleeping peacefully when phone ringing woke tine up. He was still in his dizzy state. He looked at Sarawat who was holding him but still couldn't make out who he was.

The sound of the phone was getting louder but the other party didn't seem to bothered to wake up.

Where did throw my phone?

Tine looked at jimin's bed and climbed off his bed to reach the phone. In daze tine didn't looked at caller ID and directly took the call.

"Hello why didn't you called me 😔?"

"We were sleeping together💤"

"What?__who is talking?🤨"

"What do you mean by who I am tine"

"But didn't I called Sarawat?😕"

Sarawat.....isn't this my phone.

Tine took a look at the caller ID.


He never saved someone number with this is. His mother number saved by mom how he usely calls him. Then who could this be?

Tine flip over the phone to get to know the phone he is holding is not his. But it is not also jimin's phone whose could it be?

Tine was no longer sleepy he was sobered up. He finally lift his head to look at guy sleeping on his bed.

Tine looked at the guy then back to phone in his hand.

And cursed loudly.


"I am sorry" he said immediately cut the call.

The one he talked with was Sarawat parent.

What the hell did he now said on the phone he is truly done for.

After he cut the call. The phone rang again and again which cause sarawat to wake up from his sleep.

He expected to found tine in his arms not on the other bed staring at him.

He looked at phone ringing in tines hand which was probably his.

He reached forward his hand to tine. Who only stared at it back.

"My phone" Sarawat said. Tine immediately gave his phone and ran into the bathroom.

What's wrong with him?

Please God save I swear I will always before acting

After finished his shower. He noticed that he didn't brought his clothes inside.

Wow luck is on my side today

Tine said it in his heart sarcastically. He stick his ear to the door to listen situation in the room. It was quite he thought Sarawat already left the room to talk to his mother.

Tine wrapped towel on his waist and went out of the bathroom.

But stopped in his tracks when he saw Sarawat leaning at the door. He didn't expect him to be here.

Isn't he went out to talk to his mother? Then what is he doing here?

Sarawat was staring at him hungrily when his phone rang again. He groaned and went out of the room to attend the call.

Tine quickly got dressed and looked at  himself in the mirror. There was still bite mark on his neck which was pretty evident.

Tine blushed thinking of last night but immediately shook his head when he remembered what jimin had said to him.

You have to act hard to get. Remember this.

Tine was sitting on his bed munching on the snacks jimin left for him when Sarawat came.

Sarawat sat facing tine. Tine didn't dare to talk about that happened earlier.

"So you took my Mae call" Sarawat said and tine nodded without looking at Sarawat.

Sarawat held his chin and forces him to look at his face.

"Aren't you so brave?"

And I am back.
Did you watch 2gether ep 11?
It was very funny and romantic at the same time.
Hope you enjoy my story.

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