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Sorry for short update. And I might update more chapters.


Tine was walking alone. It was already night. There was no one in the alley.

It was almost ten minutes since jimin left him. He felt lonely.

He is in such situation where he could not confess to his family nor friends. The pain filled his chest. His breathing got uneasy. Soon he started crying.

Tine was walking slowly when he felt someone staring at him. Shiver sent down his spine. He looked around and found a guy slowly following him.

Tine was scared. He tried remain his calm. He took his phone out to call.

But the said guy was fast to yank Tine's phone. The phone fell on ground with a thud.

The guy hold tines wrist tightly nearly crushing his bones.

Tine was already crying this situation made him more helpless.

He looked up to the guy. Struggling to escape. It made him feel afraid. He cried for help. Shouted and shouted but there was no one to save him. Soon he got tired and slumped on the ground.

The guy held his chin and made him meet his eyes.

"No one is going to save you from me" the guy said laughing evilly.

Tine looked up to glare at the other guy and bitterly spat the name.

"Oh...that's's me" the guy said and this time nearly choking the poor guy.

Tine took the opportunity of the guy looking at his phone. Tine bit him on hand. The guy jolted and left Tine's hand. He tried to run away but the guy pinned him down.

"Didn't I told you to behave" the guy said narrowing his eyes at tine.

"Aran....I rejected Sarawat like you said why don't you leave me?" Tine was crying while begging Aran for mercy.

" Baby boy did you forget that still have the video" Aran said caressing tine face.

Tine was very happy as his plan of making Sarawat jealous was going successfully. Soon he could propose to him.

Just thinking of him made blush. It's like dream coming true.

He want to cut any relationship with aran. So he could have no misunderstanding with Sarawat

The love letter his friend gave to Aran still lingered in his mind. It wouldn't be bad if he confronts right. He thought Aran didn't like him as he didn't give answer to his letter.

Tine found Aran at back of the hotel. There was like a small garden. Good for one to propose to his or her love.

The garden made tine happy but he didn't have any idea of ill attention of the other guy.

"Aran" tine called

He swear he want tine to call him only. How could let this beauty slip his hands.

"Sorry, I kept you waiting" tine said.

He was blushing as this guy was his crush once. He can't help but blush when he saw his handsome this close.

"I just arrived" Aran said looking away.

"I wanted to tell you that the letter I gave you I want it back" tine said looking at the ground. He didn't know how the latter reacted to it.

"Why?" Aran asked a simple question yet tine was unable to answer. He was too shy to admit his love for Sarawat.

"If you're not going to tell then I am not going to give it back_

"There is no meaning behind it so I don't want to give you hope" tine immediately cut Aran off. He didn't what his friends wrote. It could cause him trouble in future.

"Even if you I am not going to give it back" Aran said with smug look.

Tine was dumbfounded. What did he just said?

Tine stared at him confusedly. Every possible what ifs came to his mind. When Aran spoke tine felt he just died.

Yes really died if not then Sarawat would kill him. He could feel grim reaper is coming to get him.

"What?" Tine exclaimed loudly.

"Because I like you" Aran said again.

"What if I say I don't like you?" Tine felt that his world just shattered. The future with Sarawat is now going to be a dream.

"Than I have my ways" Aran said with a suspicious look which irritated tine.

"I don't care, I like Sarawat" tine finally admitted his love for Sarawat. But could this stop Aran. The answer is absolutely NO.

"Oh really, I don't care I just want to taste this body of yours" Aran said.

Tine just turn around to leave. He couldn't argue with this guy anymore.

"Then I will upload the video on net. Make sure to watch it"

Tine turned around in horror.

"W-what video?" Tine still dare to ask.

Aran just took out his phone and played the video in front of his.

Tine saw the video with round eyes. He couldn't believe what he saw. It looked surreal.

The video was of tine. The most important is that tine is naked on the video. It was a video of him taking shower.

How? Where? When?

"Tine when you come to new place you should check your surroundings"
Tines tears were threatening to fall.

"I never knew you would let your guard down like this" Aran said still showing the video to tine.

Tine tried to snatch the phone from the latter.

"No-no behave or I will upload it right away" Aran said with threatening voice.

"Aran why are you doing this?" Tine asked him helplessly.

"Because I am crazy for you, crazy for your body" Aran said with lust in his eyes.

"Now you don't want me to upload it right or do you?" Tine immediately shook his head.

"Than stay away from Sarawat. Even if you talk to him I will upload the video right away" Aran said and left tine alone.

Tine couldn't believe he liked a guy like him. He never behind the mask was devil. He never knew this man was dangerous. He should've be with Sarawat not him. He is regreting his every step.


"I did what you said why don't you delete the video?"tine asked trembling.

"Baby boy do you think I am a fool or what?" Aran asked him.

"Now call your parents them that you are going to come home tomorrow" Aran ordered. He could do nothing but do what he was told to.

He immediately called his parents. As he doesn't wants his family to be involved in this. Then he looked at Aran.

"Are you curious?" Aran said chuckling darkly.

"You are going to spend time with me tonight"


Yay I updated next chapter is on his way

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