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Mesmerized by you.

"What are you trying to say?" Tine said while shifting back.

The more he backed away Sarawat moved to lock him.

"Aren't you brave to tell my Momnwe just slept together" Sarawat said staring at him.

Sle-sleeping together...😲😲

"I didn't said that" tine deliberately tried to ignore it.

"Are you saying my mom is lying?" Sarawat asked.

"'s just that I was in daze when I talked to your mom"

Tine said looking into Sarawat eyes to see wether latter was mad or angry.
Sarawat just nodded at him. Again awkward silence engulfed them.

"I am sorry ☹️" tine said trying to read the his surrounding.

He must've upset his mother. Who would want to get this type of reply by their son or his lover. Why can't he shut his mouth for once.

"What did you mother said was she angry?" Tine asked in small voice.

"At first yes.......but not now"


"Because........why don't we get to know each other first?" Sarawat said trying to contain his smile.

Tine just nodded at him. Sarawat backed away to give space for tine.

"Me dad is CEO of bodyguard company Jason."

"My dad is a head surgeon 'Phana kongthanin" tine said.

"What about your mother?" Sarawat said urging him to go first.

"Actually my mom is a guy. His name is wayo. I call him as mom" tine said feeling that Sarawat would find it wierd.

"Really!!" But Sarawat looked stunned.

"Why are you surprised?"

"I talked to your mom and I thought she was a lady" Sarawat said recalling the conversation he had with his mom. He never thought it was voice of a guy.

"My mom loves to sing so most of the times his voice sound like of a girl" tine said laughing.

"Well I have two dad's too" Sarawat said. They already can find similarities in their family. He is happy.

"Really? Is he the one I talked to?" Tine asked.

"Yes, phukong my brother and I call him Mae to make it less obviuos" Sarawat said.

"I have brother too but he is older than me" tine said.

And they opened up more with each other. They talked about their family. They found the same ground to stand on. Both have two faathers with one brother. They really matched. But the main thing is that they are sitting off the topic.

"Where are others?" Tine asked looking for his phone.

"They went out for stroll they would've came back" Sarawat said looking at his watch.

At the evening.

They all were sitting at campfire on the beach.

Funny right they are doing campfire at beach but that's how my mind works.

They were singing and dancing.
Jimin and tine were seating together while Sarawat and his friends sitting on the other side.

They were whispering to each other.

"Sarawat this the right time you should ask him out" man said.

"I don't think it is the right time" Sarawat insisted.

"Will you wait untill tine will fell in Aran arms" boss scoffed.

"No absolutely not" Sarawat said with jealousy glinting in his eyes as he saw jimin hugging tine.

"Then go" man pushed him.

"But how?" Sarawat asked being pretty dumb.

Everyone dies from him and he can't fucking ask tine out?

"Took your guitar out" man said.

"And sing a song for him" boss continued.

"In front of all?" Sarawat looked like still insisting on not to propose tine.

"Were you hesitant when you asked him?" Man said with smirk.

Finally Sarawat stood and went to his room to bring his guitar. He come back and stood infront of everyone.

"Guys I am going to take your little time-"

Girls squealed when they saw Sarawat with his guitar.

"I am going to propose to my love" well this statement made them all girls shut up while boys looked at him look he was conquer the world.

Jimin slightly wishpered to tine "looks like you are going to be taken today"
Tine blushed as red as tomato and hung his head low but tine never left Sarawat sight.

Sarawat slowly strung guitar strings.

My heart got intoxicated when it saw your mesmerizing eyes

Please take care of me my friends,
It's became hard to remain stable

Your dreams are there in my heart
Just like pictures on wall

Why did I go crazy for you,
I upset with love for that

I've lost everything by listening to my heart 💖

I don't have anything left

What should I say my beloved
The magic in your eyes is killing me

My heart got intoxicated when it saw your mesmerizing eyes

I've always tried to protect myself from the beautiful girls

I swear on you,
Even in my dreams,
I kept running away away from beauties

But then my eyes connected with you

And I discovered the pain in my heart ❤️

Listen up you unaware one

I was wounded by you when you looked at me with a smile

My heart got intoxicated when it saw your mesmerizing eyes.

Sarawat took a deep breath and looked at tine with hope.

"Will you be my boyfriend?"

And there Sarawat finally asked tine out.
But I think there is no role for Aran in it.
Anyway it is one of my favorite song and it really suited the situation.

It is a old song.

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