Part 4

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Hello guys. I have made another sarawatine fanfiction.
And I am thinking to change this novel plot into sci-fi.

Tine was going crazy. He is in very good mood now. If you ask him for his food he might give it you. He was scrolling on his Instagram when he saw post of Aran and Sarawat. It was picture of them standing topless posing a seducing pose.

He tried his best to not like the post but could he do it. No a big NO. He ended up liking the post.

He was grinning to himself thinking about them. Wait why them because our innocent tine just couldn't decide that who was more up to his liking.

Asking him whom he like is equally asking a child if he likes his dad more or his mom. What could have gone wrong with his mind.

He is cute, handsome but he is complete dumb. If you spend time with him you may end up wondering what's inside his head.

Tine mom knew that he was crushing on guy. And he had no problem with it. he love her child more than society. And if you ask about his father. If his mom says yes then yes and if no then it's his role to play possessive or I say role of a strict dad.

"Few days had passed since he met Sarawat. He had totaly forgot about Aran"

His mom noticed changes in his child.


He is becoming more quite. Does anyone scold him? Did his father? I swear if he had scolded him I will break his bones. Wait wasn't he crushing on a guy. But wait he stopped talking about him.

Wait what was his name? Ara.. it is.

"Tine come here" tine was busy watching a video on his phone when his mom called him.

he was sitting on the couch. Tine walked to couch. Laying on it and his head resting on his mom's lap. He is baby right I know.

he lightly rubbed his head and asked "Tine what is keeping you so busy these days?"

"I have to do extra practise for cheerleading" tine said with a pout resting on his mouth.

"All day?" He will not do practice whole time after all I am his mom.

"No, Sarawat is practicing for his football match so I am helping him." Tine said still looking at his phone.

Wait it is new name. Why don't I know this guy? Tine never talked about this Sarawat guy.

"Is he bullying you?" She said panicking.

Tine jumped from his place. "Mom Sarawat is my good friend he won't bully me"

" Why will you think he will bully me?" Tine said pouting. He didn't like that his mom was doubting Sarawat. He would never raise his hand on him.

"It's because you never told me about Sarawat" now it was his mom turn to sulk.
[A/N Mom and son are like each other poor their husbands.]

"I didn't. I met him a week ago. He is handsome. You know he is famous..................

And this is our tine not to realise that he already fell for Sarawat. Is he sure about it? Hmm no he is not. He don't think Sarawat more than a friend.

"Tine are you sure that you like Aran?" His mom asked to confirm because he was looking like love sick. he never talked about Aran this much but Sarawat become an exception.

"Aran?? Who is he" tine asked trying hard to remember the said guy.

His mom face palmed himself. He is confused with his feelings. Only fate could help him. His mom left him alone after this.

Tine was playing on his phone when a message popped on his phone screen.
He opened the message. It was link to survival game.

He clicked on the link. After the link opened he almost threw his phone. Due to the shock it gave it to him.

The screen had a picture of dead bride at bottom. Her dressed torn. Hair dyed red. There were scratches on her exposed skin. And the face couldn't be described. One eye fell from her eye socket while a snake was on her waist.

On the top you can see demon/boss sitting on the chair with his legs crossed. His face was covered with black shadow. It was terrifieing to to look at it. It's one glance is enough to give you nightmares for nights.

Tine didn't dare to touch his phone. He decided to take a walk to ease his tension. He was walking without caring he was going. His steps halt and...

Tine POV

I was walking when suddenly my steps halt. I lift my head to see I came far from my home. I only walked for minutes how can I come this far from home.

I tried my best to go back but I couldn't find the way. No matter how much I run I end up on the same spot.
What is happening? I am scared.

I was walking aimlessly when I saw a Subway. I ran toward it. I walked downstairs when it hit me. Is there subways in this city? No right so where am I?

I turn back thinking I still have chance to go back. But to no avail I can't see from which way I came. There are literally hundreds of way there.

Don't be afraid tine. It may be built recently? If it is recently so why can't he see anyone here. Shit I am trapped.

[A/N Our baby is grown up. Fear can make us do anything right]

I was still standing on my spot when light shone behind me. When I turned around everything turned into normal subway. There was noticeable amount of people. Train came halt at the station.

Tine decided to follow others to train but he immediately regretted his decision.

All the people entered the train disappeared. But he was not alone. Infront of him a lady was sitting between two old men who was staring at him intently. Her gaze was cold.

Tine tried to keep his calm and sat opposite to them. But the lady was still staring at him. He tried to ignore it but no matter how he tries the lady was still staring at him.

He shouldn't not have left his home.

(Sorry I forgot to tell his parents are bl couple too, I know my bad)

I am sorry for late update but I was out of ideas. So I decided to add some horror to make it spicy.
And if you are going to ask me what happen with Aran then you have to wait for next chapters.
I didn't reveal because it is because it will make plot in coming chapters.'


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