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"Do they think I am a fool?"

Aran knew they would find it easily after all he laid clues everywhere but this doesn't mean he is giving up.

Which made his childhood and life miserable. How could he let them off the hook that easily. Don't think he came this far nothing. He will make every second worth it.

Let's play a bit more then we can end it easily. Feeling the satisfaction making Sarawat furstrated. And that jerk who helped them wait what his name. Ah.. taehyung. Do they think I will let them do everything according to them. I am the boss here for some reason.


After taehyung entered the building he felt something was out of the place.

How can he easily find the clue card. Not to mention the infirmary guess was because he saw that written on the paper. The person would not be stupid enough to give them this big clue.

When they were entering the infirmary someone pulled him by his neck. When he made himself comfortable he found that door was firmly closed. He rushed forward and banged his hand on the door. He called them many times but there was  no response.

"They can't hear you?" He turned from where the voice came.

No one can seen as the surrounding become more dark with only two little red eyes can be seen. That the moment he realized that something was really wrong with not only building but with Aran too.


Sarawat and jimin looked back. Jimin felt his knees getting weak as he fell on the floor. Sarawat also could feel what jimin felt.

"Did anyone not teach you to never show your back to your enemy?" Aran said mockingly.

"I never heard that?" Sarawat said finding his courage to fight back with Aran.

Aran stood next to the chair where tine was tied up. Taehyung was also by his side on his knees blind folded and hands tied.

The glass wall still separated them. The room slowly filled with black smoke.

"If you don't let them go I will kill your subordinate" Sarawat said thinking he will not let him kill the person. Aran is a person who cherished everything he had. But Aran next words left him speechless.

"Whom are you talking about?" Aran said making an confused expression. Though everyone in the room he was faking it.

Sarawat turned to point at the person who was acting as taehyung all the way but the person there was slowly mixing into the black smoke. His body dissolved into the smoke as liquids mix with each other.

"You still didn't understand? After these many clues you are still clueless. You don't deserve tine" Aran said mocking him.

"Like you do?" Sarawat words made him stop.

"Hurting him makes you worthy of him? Instead of fighting for him you are using him as a bait. What he did to you deserve this?" Sarawat asked him.

"Just shut up you need to be punished right?" Aran said fishing out a pocket knife out of his jacket. He looked at them then the two motionless guys with him.

"Please no!!" Jimin yelled moving further to the glass wall.

"Why not?" He used the knife to make serval cuts on Taehyung's arm. He looked at Sarawat and stabbed tine with full force.

Sarawat eyes snapped open as he came to face jimin shooking him to wake up.

"What just happened?" Sarawat asked sitting up. His head hurt like someone was stomping on his head.

"I don't know" jimin said looking at him worried.

Right now they were in a wide open space. Where ever you see is pitch black nothing could be seen. Even looking at each other for them was difficult.

According to jimin they were closed again in a big room. He woke up before Sarawat. He looked around to find the exit or atleast someone
Fortunately he found Sarawat unconscious on the floor.

He tried to woke him for many times but Sarawat didn't budge. The darkness was scaring him. He felt someone was constantly staring at them.

"Is tine okay?" Sarawat asked holding onto jimin arms.

"He is, what happened was just a hallucination caused by the black smoke" Jimin said.

"We need to find them quickly" Jimin said.

"But how?" Sarawat asked frustrated.


Sorry for short update. I just need time to make my mind how I want to end the story.

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