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Tine was helplessly roaming on the street. His head hung low and it seems like his feet are working on his own. His breath hitched, his shoulder shook. He could no longer stop himself from crying. He had no idea where should he go? In this condition he can’t go back to his house. He had no idea where would his friends be? The only name came into his mind was ‘Green’.

He could help him. At this hour of night he would be at his home. He looked back once and went to green’s house. His house was not far from where tine was. After walking for ten minutes he finally reached green’s house. He pressed the bell door but no response came. He rang it again and again until he heard a groan.

When green opened the door he looked devastated. One who sees him can tell that he was also crying in his room. Both friends were in the same condition. Heart broken, stressed, devastated and no idea what to do. After staring at each other for like less than one minute both of them broke into tears. They both hug each other and were crying into each other’s arm.

After sobering up green gave way to tine to enter in his house. He switched on the living room lights and went into kitchen to bring out some refreshments for them. After all they can’t spend their whole time crying. He brought some snacks and two bottles of their favorite drinks. He put them all on the table in front of the couch. Both of them sat facing each other. There was awkward silence between them for a while. After that as everyone knows they spilled the tea.

Back in the time.

Sarawat was looking at tine with a glare which scared tine that much that he can’t talk properly to him. His throat dried and it was difficult for him to say anything. Tine again tried to reach to Sarawat but his hand stopped midway when Sarawat stood up. Sarawat slowly walk toward tine with every step seeming to be very heavy. Tine already had goose bumps seeing Sarawat dark face.

He had never seen Sarawat this angry. Is he still dreaming? But he just woke up. It seems like his senses are betraying him because he is not able to move from his place. It looks like pray waiting for his hunter. He whimpered when Sarawat held his shirt collar and yanks him to stand on his feet.

Tine head hung low due to the fear. Sarawat grabbed his chin and force him to look into his eyes. Now the empty eyes were replaced by the red eyes. Looking exactly like demon’s eyes. Sarawat didn’t spoke but his eyes never seem to stop. If looks can kill than tine would already be a pool of blood by the glares Sarawat was giving him.

“You really like to play with others feeling right?” Sarawat asked him in a low voice.

“What?” is all tine could say as Sarawat was holding on his chin while glaring at him dangerously.

“I did everything but you can’t see I like you but what did Aran do to make you fall in love with him” Sarawat said with every word painted in grief.

Tine was confused. Did he really confess to me? He likes me but why didn’t he told me? I like Aran but I could have given him chance right?

“But now I don’t like you anymore” Sarawat said like he could read tine’s mind. He will not give in this.

“How can I when you already proposed to him” wait when did I propose and to whom I don’t have any idea

Sarawat couldn’t hold back anymore. He pushed tine and spat the ugly words “Get out. I don’t want to see your ugly face again.” Tine heart broke when Sarawat said those words. It was time when he realized he liked Sarawat for so long that he can’t bear to stay away for him. But his body moved on his own and went out of there.                                      

And what happened with green is pretty obvious. After seeing green hug tine P’Dim ignored him for whole week. But today P’Dim came to confess something to green. He said he couldn’t take green stubbornness anymore. They had a fight and at last P’Dim broke up with him.

While at Sarawat dorm P’Dim came to meet him. Probably husbands meeting after fighting with their wives. They both were drowning themselves in beers. They both were talking incoherently. They made swear not to meet their wives or to apologize to them. This time they should be the one to give in first. But they were unknown by the fact that their wives were already planning behind their backs.

“So according to Sarawat you proposed to Aran” green said while munching on his favorite snacks.

“But I didn’t proposed to him” tine said while pouting.

“Then why does he said that?” green asked and tine shrugged while chugging down his drink.

Both of them talked for a while about the situation then put the whole focus on the TV. They decides to call it a day and both of them spended the night together.

In the morning tine borrowed green’s uniform and had breakfast with green. After eating they decided to go university early as they don’t have anything to do. After reaching the university, tine parted away to meet his friends. When he reached the table where his friends were sitting. They looked at him with curious eyes.

“Tell us what happened yesterday?” ohm was the one to ask the question.

“What do you mean?” tine asked.
“We did a favor to you. You should treat us” this time it was peuk.

“What favor?” tine was still confused.

“You were scared even to talk to Aran. So we wrote a love letter to him on your name” Fong was the one to open the pandra box. 

Sorry this is going straight forward but i will create more fantasy.

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