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You reached the end.

My online classes are started if yours didn't then you are lucky. Rest I don't know why God hate us.

Anyway back to the story.

"i know what i am doing"

Tine turned to look at Aran. Standing straight staring at him. Even if he  looked brave outside he was freaking inside. Every second seemed like a year to him.

"Did god finally knocked some senses in you?" Aran mocked him.

"Do you really think I am stupid or a fool or is it written on my face that you can fool me?" Aran said as he chocked him.

"You?!" Sarawat tried to stand but couldn't. His body seemed to be frozen at his place.

Pring smiled mischievously as she again traced her figure on the rune on page. Jimin was also freezed on his place but he suddenly felt suffocated.

His eyes glistened due to the pain in his chest. His breathing hitched. After few seconds he fell unconscious on the floor.

Tines eyes widened at the scene front of him. The fear inside again started rooting inside him. He can't let this happen.

"I am serious, listen to me" tine pleaded to him.

Aran hold tightened. Tine could feel ground slipping under his feet as Aran lifted him up just by one hand.

Aran eyes darkened. Storm brewing inside his eyes. Tine held Aran hand wanting to untangle himself. Which angered Aran further. He throwed tine on the floor with one swift move.

The pendant tine was unconsciously holding aslso get thrown on the floor somewhere. Tine anxiously looked for the pendant.

"Looking for this Sweetie?" Aran sneered at him as he held the flower resin pendant.

Tine looked at Pendant fear painted on his face. Sarawat looked at scene front of him with anger. But anger soon turned into grief seeing his loved one suffering. Sarawat wanted to tell, hit him. Vent his anger but couldn't even move his fingers. If something happened to Tine he would never be able to forgive himself.

Aran slowly let the pendant slip from his hand. The pendant fell on the ground with a clunk. Tine was not far from the pendant. He went to pick it up. But Aran stopped him by stepping on the pendant. Crushing it under his foot.

After Aran removed his foot from the pendant. The pendent was broken into pieces. Tine slowly picked the broken pecies tears slowly falling on his cheeks.

The flower in the pendant was still fresh as it was just bloomed. The flower floated in the air. Tine looked at it. The flower shine in the air. Tine closed his eyes due to the light.

After he opened his eyes he was in another garden. He groaned he is sick of being dragged from one place to another like it was a normal thing. How can he be this unlucky? Everytime he saw the door to exit this misery. The door shut on his face.

He slowly stood up adjusting the freaking red dress. Unlike the previous garden it was muddy and murky. The ground was not stable with mud puddles. The dress was being dragged on the floor. The sight only made him feel more miserable.

At far he saw figure standing in the middle as he was slowly drowning in the mud. The figure was facing his back to him. Tine rushed to help the figure thinking it was either Sarawat or his friend.

The dress was being soaked by mud water which made it difficult for tine to run. Frustrated tine rip the lower part of the dress making it a skirt coming up to his knees. After reaching the place where the figure was drowning.

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