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Sarawat was acting abnormal. He will smile for a moment than frown than look sad than be jealous. It is frustrating for him and even for others. What did he do wrong? Is he not worth of love. After long time seeing his loved one he got this result.
He loved someone who don't love him back how painful it is. And it is not enough the person came to him for help for his crush.

Shit he is first time mad at his friend. He know that Aran somewhat like Tine too.

What quality does he have that tine fall for him. Is he not good enough what should he do that tine like him too.

"What" was all could Sarawat mutter. Did he heard him wrong. Did he just say that he like someone else infront of him.

"Why are you shocked?" Tine asked him innocently. He was so oblivious that he couldn't see the hurt look in Sarawat eyes.

"You know that he is not a good guy right?" "I like him like he is"

"He is hot tempered"

"Still like him"

"Not care for others feelings"

"Still like him"


" I said I like however he is"

Sarawat tried his best to make tine backout from his decision. But whatever you say he still like him how can he be whipped because he like him.

So Sarawat thaught changing subject so it can be less painful for him.

"Then who was your first kiss?" Sarawat asked.

"Why are you asking this?" Tine asked confusedly.

"Well as his friend I should know that you are perfect for him or not" he said to defend himself.

"Well I don't remember" tine said while nodding cutely.

"Well, how many people do you kissed?" Sarawat was not sure if he want know it or not.

"Well I kissed my mom, dad, phi, ohm.."he said while counting on his fingers.

"Enough it's ok.....did you slept with some one?" 'Why are you risking yourself when you don't know the out come' 

"With my friends and phi" tine said with full honesty.

"That's not what I mean" Sarawat said.

"Then what?" Tine was clueless what Sarawat was saying.

Sarawat scratched his head not knowing how to explain it to him. Suddenly he got an idea and showed him with his hands making an 'o' with his left hand and right middle finger between two figures.

"Ahh..that once but it was so painful that it needed to be bandaged but I was scared so I stick to applying oils and massages with painkillers"tine said with hint of embarran.

Sarawat was shocked by Tine's answer. Did he heard him right or his ears betrayed.
"What, when,how I can't believe that" Sarawat said hoping that tine will say it is lie.

"It is impossible to bandage all fingers together so of course I stick to those methods"

"Wait. What you hurt your fingers?"
Sarawat asked and sigh a relief.

"We're you expecting something else?" Tine asked him question in return.

Sarawat had enough how can he be this navie. It was getting late so decide to call it day for them. They exchange their phone number and went for their classes.
When Sarawat reached his class he could see man and boss grinning at him.

"So, what does your wife said to you?" Man asked while raising his eyebrows and grinning at him.

But what Sarawat told was not something they expected. They were always with Sarawat and known how deeply he liked him. They were ready to beat tine for breaking their friends heart but Sarawat stopped them. Disappointmemt and sadness gulping him down when boss said.

"Wait, you said he likes him right?" Sarawat only nodded.

"Than why are you said he just like him not love him. You still have chance to have him"

Suddenly the white lion gang became passionate.

"Frost time you said something that make sense" man praised him.

Sarawat decided he will not give up so easily. He will hold on last ray of hope.

Next day.

Tine woke up early today to help his mother cookies. He have classes in afternoon so he can bring some for his friends too.

He was helping his mother when he had an idea.

"Mom, can I make some myself?" Tine asked.

At uni

He spotted Sarawat with his friend. He approached them with a big smile.
When he came Sarawat saw that he was holding too paper bags one pink and another yellow.

"Sarawat these are some cookies. Yellow for Aran and pink one for you"  Tine said handing the bags.


"I am already late for my classes I will meet you at lunch break but eat from your respective bag okay" and with that tine left .

Sarawat felt jealous so instead of giving cookies to Aran he turned his friend and throwed the pink at them and kept the yellow with him.

"They are yours" Sarawat said and his friends happily ate them.

When lunch break they were at their usual table when tine approached them with tray of food with him. He sat beside Sarawat.

"How was the cookies does he like it?" Tine asked with hopeful eyes.

" He didn't said anything" Sarawat lied and his friends nodded along.

"Then you ate yours?" Tine asked.

"Actually I wanted ask why did you give us different bag?" Sarawat asked him.

"Well that because I have him cookies my mom made they are beat cookies I swear" tine said.

Sarawat was about to say something when tine cut him off.

"The cookies I gave were made by me. I know they are not so good but I wanted to do something for you helping me" tine said with full sincerety of gratitude.

Sarawat eyes widen and his friends were laughing like crazy.

Well that's what liers get

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