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Tine was sitting on the dining table with everyone while covering his mouth with his one hand.

Everyone was looking at him weirdly. They were here to eat so why this boy covering his mouth.

"Are you not feeling well tine?" One of their Phi asked worriedly.

Tine just shooked his head and stared at the floor. They looked at jimin who was sitting beside him. But he just shrugged. What just happened? Tine is a food lover everyone knows that but now tine is staring at food but not eating it. While jimin was eating peacefully.

It would strange if they start eating because while jimin was eating tine was staring at him intently.

"Enough keep your hand away from your mouth"

"But Phi-"

"I said now"  everyone was frustrated. They just want to eat and go back to rest. The weather is already bad.

They can't do anything about it. Their mood is already spoiled.

Tine slowly removed his hand. But not lift his head. Jimin slightly nudged him to lift his head. He slowly lift his head and tried to read others.

Suddenly everyone was left in silence.
Saying they are stunned is understatement they were shocked from their souls.

Tine's lips were swollen. And was blushing heavily. Anyone with a sane mind could make it out that he had kissed someone but who. The only culprit is jimin because he is the one sharing the room with him.

They all turned to stare at jimin. Some girls even imagined what would've happened.

"What's wrong with your lips?" It was Sarawat who asked this. He could feel his blood boil. Whatever others are thinking become truth he swear he will kill both of them right now.

"Wa-wait I can explain" tine said hurriedly to stop the misunderstanding to grow more.

"Then explain it"it was his phi who said it this time.

They are not going easy on him. If his brother would be here it would be more worse. Why is he only the one who always end up in these things? He is now regreting his previous actions.

He should've not applied the lip tint. When he don't know what it was how can he just use it. I swear I will never use jimin things again.

He turned toward jimin seeking his help. But jimin stared at him and continued to eat his food. It made him more angry.

Whose fault was this.

It's yours.

Wait a minute did I just heard jimin's thought?

"I applied a lip tint" tine said in a tiny voice.

The one who heard were confused while others were waiting for the answer.

"Why?" Sarawat asked.

"Yes tine why do you need to apply a lip tint" jimin said loudly.

When he asked him to help he didn't but now he is helping him to get himself insulted.

"I applied it by mistake"

"How can you apply it by mistake?" Everyone was confused. When you didn't want to apply then how did you end up like this?

Tine looked at jimin helplessly. He hugged jimin's arm looking at him with his famous puppy face. But jimin is not less than savage. He helped him by narrating the whole incident happened in their room.

Now everyone at the table were laughing like crazy. Some even started laughing in the middle. It was even difficult for jimin to controll himself for laughing. Even Sarawat was laughing. Now they would tease him Everytime he will meet them.

Tine poured and quickly finished his food. He want to get out as fast as possible. He can't stand humiliation anymore.

After dinner everyone was spending time at the lobby as there were no visitors. There were only them. According to hotel management it was because of the bad weather. Most of the visitors were going to come today but their trips got cancelled.

When tine would pass by someone. They would ask him to show his face and start laughing at him. Even jimin was laughing at him. He became a laughing stock just because of a lip tint.

How worthy it is?

Tine called his parents to distract himself from others. He talked to them for a while. When he returned everyone returned to return to their rooms. He went to his room and knocked on the door as he didn't brought key with himself.

The door was opening when someone pulled him in the opposite direction.

Sarawat shut door and pinned tine on the wall. Sarawat was staring at tines eyes.

"What are you doing?" Tine yelled at him.

"Are you sure that it is lip tint?" Sarawat asked while staring at tines lips.

"If it is not lip tint then what it is?" Tine asked while glaring at Sarawat. He himself didn't know why was he angry at him? But it relieved him when he yelled at him.

Sarawat bend to kiss him. It was not like last time. It was filled with love. It was soft and smooth. Which leave butterflies in tine's stomach.

Tine was looking at him wide eyes while Sarawat trailed down to his neck. He bit his neck and sucked on it hard.

It was getting heated when tine pushed him looking all flustered. It satisfied Sarawat how messed up tine looked.

Without another word tine left him. He was standing alone in the corridor. He tried to digest what just happened?

He tried to open the door. It was opened. He went inside and saw jimin sitting on the bed scrolling on his phone. He tried to stable him.

Jimin looked at him said "You just got ravaged by your husband right?"

Tine blushed and shook his head.

"What no, there are proof on you" jimin said pointing at the mirror.

Tine looked at his reflection in the mirror. There was bright red mark on his neck. It looked it will not fade that easily.

"Shia" tine cursed while jimin just layed on his bed to sleep before shouting.

"Switch off lights and sleep. Don't think about it, it will only mess up with your mind"

Tine did what his friend ordered him to do.

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